Ability to Select Addresses for "Attach Public PGP Key"
The Attach Public PGP Key should allow you to select which addresses you attach the public key to. As a minimum, it should allow you to select at least 1 address to exclude from having the PGP key attached.
I use the "SimpleLogin" functionality with my proton account to generate random aliases in order to protect my email address. Whenever I reply to an email via the reverse alias the system adds my public PGP key giving away my true address.
If I could select which addresses had the key attached or, alternatively, could specify 1 "catch all address" for my reverse aliases that did not have the key attached that would help.
Anonymous commented
I don't know why this isn't being classified as a privacy/security issue and addressed as top priority. Proton is a privacy first company, and doxxing the user when they check a box that doesn't seem like it should doxx them feels like a top priority for a company who cares about privacy above all else.
This isn't just a hypothetical problem either, I accidentally doxxed myself recently and only after the fact did I realize it.
w6yx5 commented
I sign all outgoing mails by default, so for some exceptions (like the SimpleLogin alias addresses) I have to go into the settings and disable the option to sign my mails by default. Only then can I send my mails unsigned.... I also have to make sure that the PGP key is not sent in the attachments.
So the problem is:
-> PGP key is also sent (if activated in the settings)
-> Outgoing e-mail is signed with your own e-mail signature, which the recipient who receives the e-mail via the alias service can still see... -
stewSquared commented
At the very least, if Proton isn't giving us more functionality, it should warn or prevent us from accidentally doxxing ourselves with SimpleLogin.
stewSquared commented
I have multiple addresses and domains. For some of them, it doesn't make sense to automatically attach my public key or sign messages.
In particular, when I respond to a SimpleLogin reverse alias, I don't want to be attaching the public key with my mailbox address right in the filename. I'm sure people have already done that accidentally.
Golliwog commented
This is critical. Proton should be conducting extra checks (eg. like the email missing attachments feature) to check for leaked email addresses.