Option to always load images sent and from trusted senders
I have disabled automatic loading of images in mails
But for messages SENT by me I think it's only natural that the images are always shown. I mean, I created the email, surely the images in it are safe for me to load ;)
Other suggestion: Load pictures from senders where I have already clicked "load images". Like a trusted-list

flav commented
The ability to add trusted senders to always load images and trackers would be great to have!
Greg commented
Great idea. This is an option in MS365 mail services.
There is something more to this, as well, as I do find examples of mailing list messages where: 1) the images do load on their own (rare, not sure the exception, and not just official Proton mail), and 2) the images fail to load even when I click Load (e.g. Duolingo progress reports on mobile).