Include at least the most known fonts from each of the Vox-ATypI classification's 11 fonts families along with a complete coloring palette
I am grateful to Proton for offering everyone safe services who complement Mozilla Firefox to a charm and that both Mozilla & Proton stand to keep Internet as a free and safe shared world resource as its inventor Tim Berners-Lee wanted it to be and I am sincerely grateful for that, I donate to Mozilla sometimes and even have been pondering switching to a Proton Unlimited account to support them because they actually respect us their users and they protect us from greedy corporations and paranoid governments who want to know everything on everyone whereas they are the ones who hide the most dirty secrets however I have been bitterly disappointed in Proton Mail's blatant lack of customization options to make my mailbox MY style!
Indeed, I really do not understand why the choices of fonts and colors are so tightly limited in Proton Mail's text editor?
Indeed, Proton Mail's text editor includes ONLY 8 fonts along with 7 shades of 5 colors whereas Gmail at least includes 11 fonts along with 7 shades of 9 colors and it frustrates me to no end that Gmail offers more than Proton Mail and that I find myself more limited into Proton Mail than I was in Gmail!
There is not even brown nor orange nor turquoise blue nor pink nor even purple among Proton Mail's text editor's font colors options, which takes the cake since Proton's favorite color is purple and they don't even include it into their text editor?!
Before I signed into Proton and I abandoned my Gmail mailbox, I used to write my e-mails in my favorite font and color which are Comic Sans and purple and do you know it? They so happen to actually be Proton's favorite font and color as well, purple is obvious to see since every Proton's icon is purple but you have to know that Proton was born in 2014 into the CERN where Internet itself was also born 23 years prior in 1991 and that the CERN likes to write their conferences in Comic Sans so the smartest scientists in the world and I so happen to share the same tastes and I'm **** proud of it!
And yet, they did NOT include nor their favorite font nor their favorite color, which so happen to be my favorites as well, into their text editor, which is a mystery to me! ๐ฒ
Do you think they want to keep them only for themselves? ๐
If so then we will conflict because they are my favorites too and I want them for myself too! ๐ผ
But I am willing to share. ๐
Anyway, I really miss not be able to write my e-mails with my favorite font and color anymore since I switched to Proton Mail, especially since Proton Mail's current choice of fonts and colors is... well, pathetic, there are only a few fonts and colors and all are bland as if Proton Mail was designed to write only stern administrative mails. ๐
So I lost my personal style when I switched to Proton Mail then I tried to select a new one with the limited fonts and colors options until I set for Verdana and green which is my current style but let's be honest, Proton Mail's tighter freedom of customization options for writing doesn't allow as much personality as Gmail does, which really has been infuriating me for years before I eventually made up my mind to actually request them from Proton.
I also do not understand why Proton included settings for default font and size but no setting for default color, why not do things fully? ๐ค
Because of this oversight, I actually have to manually change the text's color EVERY **** TIME I write an e-mail, which is tedious as curse! ๐ฃ
So about the colors, my suggestion is to include a COMPLETE coloring palette, you know, just like the one included into Mozilla Firefox's default font colors settings so you don't need to ponder which colors specifically you should include to satisfy everyone, just include ALL colors like Mozilla did and be done with it. ๐
As for the fonts, this is more complicated since there are SO MANY diverse fonts available therefore to satisfy everyone, I suggest you to include at least the most known fonts from each of the Vox-ATypI classification's 11 fonts families such as:
- Centaur
- Garamond
- Times New Roman
- Georgia
- Bodoni
- Didot
- Clarendon
- Rockwell
- Gill Sans
- Futura
- Helvetica
- Arial
- Verdana
- Optima
- Albertus
- Kuenstler Script
- Bickham
- Mistral
- Plumero
- Bello
- Omnia
- Banco
- Choc
- Strangelove
- Old English
- Anglican Text
- American Text
- Manuskript Gotisch
- Comic Sans
- Trebuchet
And here you go, if you include these 30 fonts which are the most known fonts from the Vox-ATypI classification's 11 fonts families, they should be enough to satisfy everyone's needs and moods and you should be done with your countless fonts requests for good, doesn't that sound nice? ๐
By the way, "ATypI" means "Association Typographique Internationale" which is french for "International Typography Association" who is, as its name entails, the official world wide organization for typography which is fonts science. ๐
As for Vox, Maximilien Vox was the writer, publisher and typographer, meaning the fonts scientist, who researched every fonts then invented their classification in 1954 that the ATypI ratified in 1962 who made it the international official fonts classification known as Vox-ATypI and that's it. ๐
Yes, fonts are a science, every font tells a story and expresses a personality so the font you choose when you write means as much as what you write with it and if you are curious about it then I invite you to look up "Vox-ATypI" and learn the history of each of the 11 fonts families and what each of them expresses, I just learned typography even existed just now as I was wrecking my brain to figure out what fonts to request from Proton Mail in order to satisfy everyone so I browsed the World Wide Web to research about fonts then I quickly found Vox-ATypI since it is THE fonts reference and I basically learned everything about it within a few hours and was done with my researches so I know what I talk about when I suggest you 30 specific fonts in order to satisfy everyone's needs and moods and you would be wise to listen to someone who specifically researched the matter before reaching out to you. ๐
Before I leave you, I want to tell you the story of Comic Sans because I just learned it myself and now I understand why it is my favorite font. ๐
Comic Sans is a font invented by a graphic artist whose name is Vincent Connare within Microsoft in 1994 to be used into an educational software to teach children to use computers entitled Microsoft Bob and Vincent found every font available at that time to be too stern for children so he took upon himself to invent a new one more light-hearted than every others and he found his inspiration from a comic book he was reading at the time, he enjoyed the hand-drawn font from his comic book and so he decided to copy this hand-drawn font as a computer font and so he did with Windows Paint within a few hours and Bill Gates liked it and so he included this new font as a Windows font as Comic Sans since it was originally a hand-drawn comic-book font converted into a hand-drawn computer font and "sans" in fonts' names means "without serif", "sans" being the french word for "without". ๐
Then Windows' users liked it so much that they spread it all around the World Wide Web whereas typographers despise Comic Sans because it is a font not created by an actual typographer, it was created by a "mere graphic artist" who hand-drew it with Windows Paint within a few hours, this is a blasphemy to typographers! ๐
And the unprecedented fast rise in popularity of Comic Sans infuriated typographers ever more because this amateurish quickly hand-drawn font easily blasted away all of their professional slowly made complicated typographers' fonts and utterly humiliated their profession! ๐
Typographers actually grew so hateful of Comic Sans that they literally created a website specifically dedicated to hating Comic Sans named Comic Sans Criminal! ๐คฃ
However much typographers hate Comic Sans, it IS the most liked font ever, EVERYONE enjoys using it, even the CERN scientists (Am I not right, Proton? ๐) and the Vatican's Pope, E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E no matter who they are enjoys using Comic Sans but typographers who feel humiliated by this amateurish quickly hand-drawn font which easily blasted away in popularity all of their professional slowly made complicated fonts and grow their hatred of it. ๐
It was already my favorite font before I learned its story because I always found it to be the most expressive font and now that I learned its story, I understand why it has always been so.
It is because it is the only font which was spontaneously quickly hand-drawn on a whim by an amateur who wanted to make an expressive font and didn't care about making a perfect font as opposite to all other standard fonts which are perfectionist, straight, stern, unnatural, unspontaneous, premeditated, made by arrogant fools who believe only them are worthy to make fonts and who focus so much on the technical details of fonts that they are oblivious to the fact that their fonts don't express anything since they are merely geometrical constructs and that's it, they miss the point of WHY we need to write to begin with which is to EXPRESS OURSELVES and THAT is what ACTUALLY matters in fonts and NOT their technical details. ๐ผ
Vincent Connare didn't care at all about technical details when he created Comic Sans, he cared only about creating an EXPRESSIVE font and THAT is why his font easily blasted away all other fonts and almost everyone but arrogant purists enjoys using it and it is many people's favorite font including the CERN's scientists and myself et voilร . ๐