Maxime Martyr
My feedback
18 results found
159 votes
Work on this feature request is underway, starting with iOS.
🗓️ A new calendar invite widget shows the main event info in all emails that contain event invites. Tapping on it takes you to the #ProtonCalendar app directly from your inbox.
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr supported this idea ·
30 votes
Maxime Martyr supported this idea ·
1 vote
Maxime Martyr shared this idea ·
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
I wholeheartedly approve this request because I too am bitterly disappointed in the lack of customization features to make my Proton mailbox MY style, especially writing my e-mails should satisfy my needs and my moods instead of imposing such a tight choice of fonts and colors, there is not even my favorite color which so happens to be also Proton's favorite color which is purple nor my favorite font which so happens to be also the CERN's favorite font which is Comic Sans, how am I supposed to feel at home if I can't even write my mails with my favorite font and color which so happen to be also Proton's favorite font and color that they didn't include into their mailboxes for some reasons?!
I think Proton Mail should include at least the most known fonts from each of the Vox-ATypI classification's 11 fonts families in order to satisfy every user's needs and moods such as:
- Centaur
- Garamond
- Times New Roman
- Georgia
- Bodoni
- Didot
- Clarendon
- Rockwell
- Gill Sans
- Futura
- Helvetica
- Arial
- Verdana
- Optima
- Albertus
- Kuenstler Script
- Bickham
- Mistral
- Plumero
- Bello
- Omnia
- Banco
- Choc
- Strangelove
- Old English
- Anglican Text
- American Text
- Manuskript Gotisch
- Comic Sans
- TrebuchetMaxime Martyr supported this idea ·
440 votes
Work on this feature has started, beginning with iOS availability.
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
I wholeheartedly approve this request because **** how much it is tedious when I clean my mailbox to look for where I was in the list every time I delete a mail and it sends me back at the top of the list! 😣
Wait, really Proton? You censor the word "****"? 😲
I had no idea that Proton is a puritan church who forbids impure words, it's not as if I said ACTUALLY dirty words such as "****" nor "****" nor "*****" nor "****" nor "***" nor "****" nor "****", did I? 😏An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
Holy curse, 8 years of waiting for a reply to such a simple feature to implement request and it has only STARTED so who knows how longer it will take to ACTUALLY implement such a simple feature and ONLY for iOS at first, what's wrong with you, Proton Community Team?! 😲
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
Proton already implemented parameters to set default font and size but for some reasons they didn't for default color so this is a 2/3 completed feature currently. 😅
Maxime Martyr supported this idea ·
47 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
I approve this request because I too find Proton Mail's options for composing very lacking. 😟
1) I agree the choice of fonts in Proton Mail is tight, I think Proton should include at least the most known fonts from each of the Vox-ATypI classification's 11 fonts families in order to satisfy every user's needs and moods such as:
- Centaur
- Garamond
- Times New Roman
- Georgia
- Bodoni
- Didot
- Clarendon
- Rockwell
- Gill Sans
- Futura
- Helvetica
- Arial
- Verdana
- Optima
- Albertus
- Kuenstler Script
- Bickham
- Mistral
- Plumero
- Bello
- Omnia
- Banco
- Choc
- Strangelove
- Old English
- Anglican Text
- American Text
- Manuskript Gotisch
- Comic Sans
- TrebuchetAs for 3) wouldn't a spell check feature be redundant since basically all devices already include their own spell check feature? 🤔
As for coloring/highlighting texts, inserting pictures and emoticons, I think they already have been implemented by now. 😉
But I would have something else to add to your request to enhance composing functions which is more options for texts' colors along with more options for fonts. 😉
Maxime Martyr supported this idea ·
5 votes
Maxime Martyr shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
Hey, while I understand that you need it, you have to remember that Proton is an european service and therefore non-european standards are not "normal" to Proton and you shouldn't expect everyone to share your national standards because any nation is only a part of the world and the world is made of many diverse nations, never forget that. 😉
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
I support this request and I add sound AND vibration like any standard alarm. 😉
Maxime Martyr supported this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
Hey, I recognize myself into your message and I actually just suggested the same to Proton Calendar support, here is a copy-paste of the e-mail I sent:
Dear Proton,
I just started using Proton Calendar as my agenda and I'm rather glad of it if only it didn't lack a critical feature that I definitely need to be fully satisfied.
Indeed, considering the purpose of an agenda is to remind us of events that we must not miss then I need to be able set alarms to events notifications because quick notifications can easily be missed whereas alarms keep blaring until we manually stop them, which makes sure that we did NOT miss the notification that we definitely needed to NOT miss. 😏
So I write to you in order to suggest to you to add alarms to Proton Calendar's events notifications in order to make sure that users DON'T miss their important events notifications and that Proton Calendar is an agenda that we can rely on with peace of mind because we trust it to NOT let us miss any important event, thank you. 😉 -
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
What alarms are you talking about? 😏
Before you suggest Proton Calendar's alarms to be able to override silent mode, don't you think you first need to suggest Proton Calendar to have alarms to begin with? 😅 -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
You mean like this: ? 😉
I agree and I actually requested this in a direct message to Proton Pass support however I tested Proton password generator and I noticed that it never includes the letters i nor L nor o neither minus neither capitals into any random password that it generates so maybe they already thought about the confusion caused by similar looking characters and they excluded them from their generator? -
444 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
I approve this suggestion because up until I just discovered that Proton offers its own passwords generator, I used another and check how it allows you to select which symbols to include/exclude into your generated random passwords, I expect as much from Proton. 😉 Martyr supported this idea ·
1 vote
Maxime Martyr shared this idea ·
24 votes
We will work to continue to improve the design into the future.
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
When the Proton Community Team marks your request as "STARTED" and answers to your suggestion "in the future", you know you are not going to get your requested feature any time soon. 😏
See? Marked as started for 8 years already. 😅 -
120 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
Actually, I don't live in Switzerland and I DO want my online address to end with .ch in order to be under privacy-respecting swiss jurisdiction and NOT under paranoid-spying american authority. 😉
81 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxime Martyr commented
Hey, aren't you tired of thinking that Cuba, China and Russia are bad guys who are after you when they most likely don't care about you because you are meaningless in the great scheme of things and you are most likely to be targeted by someone from your own country, especially since Proton is encrypted from beginning to end and even Proton cannot access your account so someone would need to have your credentials to log into your account? 😏
And do you really check only the country of an IP to assume it is good or bad?
Wow! You are so stereotypically nationalist that I bet you are american and I would be genuinely astonished if you are not! 😅
You assume that you don't need to explain and yet you do because you also assume that everyone is dumber than you, even the CERN scientists behind Proton, don't you? 😉
I worry when Proton Community Team states that a request has been started because Proton User Voice is full of requests stated as "started" for almost a decade and still not done yet and also why only iOS first? 🤔