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Proton Calendar

254 results found

  1. video call integrations should hold up to privacy standards of proton

    "Zoom has been criticized for its privacy and corporate data sharing policies, as well as for enabling video hosts to potentially violate the privacy of those participating in their calls." From Wikipedia.

    There are plenty open source and privacy conscience alternatives!

    27 votes
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  2. Support for ISO 8601 date formats (YYYY-MM-DD)

    • have an option to display dates in a sane, superior, internationally standardized format...
    • allow users to enter dates like "2024-05-08" when creating an event, instead of having to type "May 08, 2024" which is an annoying hindrance.
    • bonus points if you let me paste "2024-05-08T14:45" and it update the time field too.
    325 votes
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  3. National holiday support for more countries

    There are so many countries that doesn't have national holidays support including MAJOR COUNTRIES (ex. Japan, South Korea, Singapore...)

    Also we want national holiday in local languages names not only in English.

    These are the countries without national holiday support


    Antigua and Barbuda


    The Bahamas
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Burkina Faso


    Cabo Verde
    Central African Republic
    Congo, Democratic Republic of the
    Congo, Republic of the
    Costa Rica
    Côte d’Ivoire


    41 votes
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  4. HEX / RBG Calendar Colours

    Right now, we can choose the colour of a calendar from a couple of colours. I would love if we could input our own hex code to really make the calendars our own.

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  5. Decline a single instance of a recurring event from an external sender

    When an external sender invites me to a recurring event series, I would like to be able to decline single instances of that event.

    Desired MVP user experience:
    1. Person invites me to a recurring event series
    2. When I need to decline a single instance of an event, I go to that event on my calendar and set my "Attending?" status for that instance to "No, I won't attend"
    3. I am prompted whether I'd like to decline just this event, all future events, or the entire series. I select 'this event'.
    4. The single instance of the event…

    22 votes
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  6. Improve the subject of calendar notifications

    Currently, the subject line does not show the Event title. For example, if I have a calendar event "Call Grandma", this is what Proton's email notification subject would be:

    "Reminder: event starting at 19:00 (GMT-7) on Thursday, September 19"

    If you have a few of these, it looks confusing.

    Compare this with Google's email subject:

    "Notification: Call Grandma @ Thu 19 Sept 2024 19:00 - 19:30 (PDT) (Main calendar)"

    23 votes
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  7. 5, 10, 15, 30 Minutes Events

    5, 10, 15, 30 Minutes Events
    Show On Mouse Hover

    19 votes
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  8. Modify existing events in the mobile app

    If an event is created with participants, this event cannot be modified at all from the mobile app (iOS in our case). Regardless if the event is recurrent or a one-off, it is not possible to modify it after it's been created w/participants in it. Single events that I create without additional participants can be modified.

    27 votes
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  9. Events should overlap instead of always taking up separate columns

    Like in google calendar, smaller events inside larger events should overlap on top of the larger event instead of forcing the larger event to be half of the column size. This makes it easier to view events at the same time. For example, I have "work" in my calendar, but I also have meetings throughout my day in my calendar. This causes work to become half-sized instead of just overlapping the meeting on top of the work event.

    27 votes
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  10. Sync the color of a calendar item in a shared calendar

    First off, great that colors, sharing and changing a single item in a sequence are implemented.

    But I would like one more thing. Sync the color of an calendar item if a custom color is set.

    I like google's solution. That is a standard default color (1) for a calendar (which can be different for each member and is not synced). And a second color (2), which defaults to (1) but can be changed and is synced. If you look at the item, the first part (most left) is de default color (1), the rest is (2). Items in the…

    24 votes
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  11. Duplicate Event on Mobile Apps

    It's now possible to duplicate events on the web app. This request is specifically about hastening the deployment of that feature in the mobile apps. This is a core function for me and many users and needs to be available on mobile apps ASAP.

    15 votes
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  12. Edit events with participants on mobile

    I need to be able to edit an event on mobile that has participants. This seems like a very strange, arbitrary decision that I assume was a scope cut to get the mobile app launched. I can appreciate that, but this just feels broken. Please fix this before adding NEW functionality.

    Hard to believe I couldn't find this already posted. If I missed it, let me know so I can put my votes behind an existing idea.

    160 votes
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  13. Vertical Scrolling in Month View

    I like being able to keep more of the previous month in view while I scroll to a new month.

    43 votes
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  14. Hide calendar visuals without turning off notifications

    I'd love for there to be a way to turn off the visuals for a calendar, without turning off the notifications. Sometimes I just don't want to have to see all the clutter, but still want to get notifications for them.

    Perhaps something like a little eye icon to toggle, besides the on/off it has currently? Or clarify if you want to turn the calendar (and thereby notifications) off with a little notification bell icon, or turn off the visuals with the eye icon?

    3 votes
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  15. To color the entire rectangle of an event

    That it be allowed to color the entire rectangle of an event in the calendar and not just the edge of the left corner.

    7 votes
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  16. Multiple import on drag n drop

    Drag n drop should enable multiple ics files

    6 votes
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  17. Problem: Delayed synchronization between Todoist and Proton Calendar

    I use DoDoIst and have integrated the task feed into my Proton Calendar. Unfortunately, the calendar does not synchronize the tasks until the next day. Is it also possible to have the synchronization performed immediately? What do I have to do for this?

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    I really want to sync my Proton Calendar to my Google calendar. However, when I try to set this up (i.e. copy the Google URL into Proton) I get a refused message, telling me that the file is too big. This, surely, must be pretty easy for Proton to solve. Please do so.

    6 votes
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  19. Pre Set Calendar Notifications

    In the Proton Calendar app, I don't like the two default notification times. I always have to change them manually. I'd prefer to set my own default notification times that automatically appear whenever I create a new event.

    9 votes
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  20. Allow for more flexible data entry for calendar event start/end time

    It would be helpful if the selection fields for calendar event start times could match a wider range of text input to avoid excessive mouse clicks. At present, typing in the fields will automatically select one of the pre-set options in the list (i.e., "12:00 AM", "12:30 AM", and so on) based on an exact match of the text string. While this does allow for somewhat rapid selection in limited cases, i.e., for events starting at midnight and on the hour from 2 am to 9 am (allowing typing a single digit and then it autoselects), but then further selection…

    3 votes
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