Remove a canceled single instance of a recurring event from an external sender
When an external sender cancels a single instance of a recurring event that I'm invited to, I would like to be able to get that event off my calendar.
Desired user experience:
1. Person invites me to a recurring event series
2. Person sends a cancellation for a single instance of the event
3. I receive the cancellation and see the instance w/ a strikethrough and "canceled" status on my calendar
4. I open the event and press "Delete" (or trash icon)
5. The instance of the event is no longer on my calendar. All other instances in the recurring event series are unaltered by these actions.
Current broken user experience:
1. Person invites me to a recurring event series
2. Person sends a cancellation for a single instance of the event
3. I receive the cancellation and see the instance w/ a strikethrough and "canceled" status on my calendar
4. I open the event and press "Delete" (or trash icon)
5. I get a modal prompt that says "Delete recurring event - This event has been updated by the organizer. Would you like to delete this event?" and I click "Delete"
6. The instance of the event does not get deleted. Instead it reverts to looking like a normal instance of the event; the strikethrough on the name, white background on the event, and "Canceled" badge are all gone.
7. When the expected UX fails me, I try to manually decline the single instance of the recurring event to get it off my calendar, but I cannot because that feature doesn't work either (see
8. I am now stuck with the canceled instance on my calendar forever, unless I decline the entire series (which is not a viable 'workaround')
"I would like to clear a canceled event from my calendar" is basic / MVP / table stakes calendar app functionality that it feels odd to have to submit a request for. But until (and so that it might!) exist, I'm submitting this "idea".

floor commented
Its wild to me that this is the only suggestion i have found concerning this issue and its not voted higher? this is a basic and important calendar functionality that makes it basically impossible to do long running event series with changes in proton calendar