Audio alarms/reminders for events
Very few calendar apps allow you to set an alarm for the event that has an audible reminder like an alarm clock app would. This would be super helpful so I don't accidentally overlook an event.

Maxime Martyr commented
I support this request and I add sound AND vibration like any standard alarm. 😉
CKB commented
Totally agree. I have a terrible short term memory and rely on audible alert noises for timekeeping. Imagine my disappointment when after migrating everything to proton calendar and then I realise I missed something important because they only options are email or a toast type notification which I get for literally anything like an email or a message.
Kyle Sakai commented
Kyle Sakai commented
Kyle Sakai commented
John commented
Firstly, huge thank you to the proton team for the calender! I love it and with the calendar rollout I will most likely be subscribing to a paid service. Android devices default clock app can only set alarms up to 23:59 ahead of time. I would love to be able to enter my work schedule once a week and set wake up alarms for the whole week, instead of doing it every night, possibly forgetting.*note* - I am aware that there are notifications available for the proton calendar android app, but the single ding will not wake me up. I prefer an alarm with snooze and dismiss options.
Chris Spencer commented
200% agree. The built in alarm options are useless. "Popup Notification" and "Email"?
If you had to write down a list of 1000 things that you associate with the word "alarm", a popup or an email would not even be on the list.
However, a loud audible sound would be #1.
Whenever I create an event that I absolutely must be reminded of, I always create an alarm for ~10-30min before the event. It's an annoying hassle, and I end up with dozens of alarms, but it works and really helps me to not forget events.
It always frustrated me that Google refused to implement this, even though they wrote GCal and the Android alarm app, and it probably would have taken one of their devs 30 minutes to link them together.
Horst Schlemmer commented
I fully agree. Without an acoustic notification it's only worth the half.
Anonymous commented
This is the single most important feature for me to use Proton Calendar on Android. I need the Android device to ring an alarm and not just a notification for calendar event notifications. The alarm feature can be minimal and use the system default. Future feature would be good if user can set a different alarm sound for the Proton Calendar, or different alarm sound for different events.
For Google Calendar I use separate app "Event Reminder" (Milan Sillik) to ring alarm on Google Calendar event notifications. It appears that Event Reminder does not recognize Proton Calendar notifications.
Anonymous commented
Calendar alarms. I absolutely love all things Proton, and the reminders (multiple too!) are fantastic. Am I missing something, or do we not have alarms with the reminders? Even though I have most devices within my immediate vicinity, I'm usually quite focused on multiple tasks... pop-ups are great, but accompanying alarms are even better. =)
So sorry, in advance, if I'm missing something and this is already a feature. = s