Auto-Delete for Trash & Spam
Auto-Delete For Trash Folder

Bobby Randall commented
It would be a convenient thing if the spam folder 1. Auto deleted 30 day old content. And 2. didn't show the number of unread messages in the spam folder. THat's just a side note but I find it distracting.
Harry commented
Please add this, it will make managing mailbox size much easier.
PaulMadison commented
Please add "auto-delete after X days" feature to the trash can. Most email systems do this already. It's in the trash for a reason.
Jordan commented
Ability to have my sent/ trash box delete anything older than say 30 days or 60 days or a year.
RG commented
I see this subject very dead
Geobomatic commented
Let's hope it's done in v4…
Ken M. Haggerty commented
Seconded! I would love just a simple "Sort by Deletion Date" option because I too sometimes accidentally delete an item in my Inbox that isn't necessarily a recent email.
Anonymous commented
Until they implement this, it's possible to automate this by using Bridge + Thunderbird's retention policies
Ralf Meister commented
I like to have a button on my spam folder to empty it, like I have on my yahoo account.
Right now I have to delete each and every spam mail TWICE, because it first goes into the trash folder. WHY? -
[Deleted User] commented
It would be great to have the ability to delete from the trash all the items that are older than, say, one month or one year. I want to delete my old emails, but I am afraid of emptying the trash completely since there might be recently deleted items that I still need (which ideally shouldn't happen, but occasionally does). This means that I end up never emptying my trash, which takes up significant and unnecessary space in my account (and on Protonmail's servers).
Robert Herald commented
Lance suggested that the age of trash (and its subsequent delete) be programmable to (1, 10, 30, 60, 90, 180) days. I would like to add that a NO delete option be included in the options, if that's the way it is today.
Anonymous commented
Is this still open or am I overlooking this feature?. This was the most relevant search google could find after proton mail help didn't turn up anything. Need to be able to auto-cull any messages older than "X" days old, like every other mail service.
KC commented
Why is this not standard?
hk commented
This needs to be a standard feature and should be implemented ASAP.
The first request was way back in 2016 ! Why is it taking so long. Seems like an easy thing to implement !
Amir G commented
What’s the difference between trash and archive currently?
sharpshooter commented
what ever happened with this? this would be extremely useful!!!!
JPL commented
Agree that basic auto-delete settings for the Trash and Spam folders (e.g., never, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 1 year) would be a great feature.
The more advanced implementation of this capability is described by SereneGreen below:
- extremely precise settings for how often the auto-delete occurs.
- having auto-delete settings *per folder*, including user-created folders.I personally don't need something this advanced but I think it's worth exploring either in the primary feature design or as an enhancement / v2.
Anonymous commented
i agree. there should be a way to delete quickly and easily.
Anonymous commented
Please add a feature where messages in the trash and spam folders get automatically deleted after a certain period of time, like 30 days or 60 days, or even immediately.
Also please add a feature where you can select "All" items in the trash to delete, not just the 50 items on a page. This is frustrating, although I understand that sometimes one may need something in the trash to be placed back in the inbox.
Nelson Wong commented
I would prefer something more "immediate". Quite often one reads an email and instantly decides it's not one for keeps, and there should be an "instant delete" option, as in "wipe". I suggest Shift-Delete for this, similar to Windows. Hence, in any view, any folder, any messages selection, Shift click Delete-button would be "wipe". There may be an option in Settings to offer the user a final confirmation prompt or not.