Change size, color / background color of text
Change The Size, The Color, Or The Background Color Of The Text.
includes customizing light/dark mode

Richard B commented
First of all, I think it's funny I signed into comment section using my google account :).
Secondly, I think this is a BIG DEAL. The purple background is not agreeable with my eyes. Please let users customize things more. I am on your paid plan btw, and also use proton for my small business.
Claire commented
I would love this feature
Claire commented
Make customizable backgrounds for proton inbox
Kelly Manley commented
Hi! I am legally blind and want to help you guys add a feature for a low-vision community. We want a FULL background in the email to be black or match your theme. That would help ease our eyes, as we are so sensitive to a bright light like myself.
It would be so cool if you guys added an app like Grammarly.
Thanks for reading this!
Saverio commented
Are missing the options to Change The Size, The Color, Or The Background Color Of The Text in MAC app
Jimmy commented
2024-01-12 - Too bad this "idea" was submitted almost 9 years ago,... This suggestion is "unalive & buried",... which is why I wanted to introduce a new & more concise idea, which is much more focused & doable than this one, which needs a lot of changes. My request could be implemented in 1 day by someone who knows what they are doing,...
Sam commented
The whole point of having a dark theme options (Carbon, Monokai and Ebony) is to reduce eye strain from screen glare of white fields of GUIs.
But why then leave the text field in Composer completely white (if its size is set to 'Normal' it is still too bright, but if it is set to 'Maximized' it defeats the whole purpose of having a dark themed interface)?
Strangely enough, if in Composer, New message, window options 'Plain text' is selected instead of 'Normal' then background is set to black and font color to white... (but that is just plain text editing all other formatting options are unavailable then)Color settings should be user defined for Background and Font colors in Composer.
Also in message preview in Sent, Inbox and other preview windows (here at least the background color should be changeable, if not font color also).
Because, when you have a dark theme set, and you open for instance an inbox message you get hit by mostly white background, that must be user changeable or at least theme defined to some less bright shaded color.This is a real oversight in application of the whole less bright GUI concept.
Jimmy commented
The "Mozilla Thunderbird" email-client provides this feature, where the user can program the [email's displayed background color], to allow the user for a more pleasant experience.
Jimmy commented
Feature: [ Display Background Color For eMail Body Should Be User Programmable ] - Submitted: 2024-01-11
Not everyone can handle a “Forced White Background” (FWB) color on online pages all day long. There are 16.7 million 24-bit colors available. It is time we use a computer for its real purpose, rather than to allow for our laziness & complacency to take over, & allow the computer to be able to tailor 100% of the viewing environment, rather than it being dictated by 1, 2 or more color schemes, all of which only provide you w/ a FWB.
Accessibility: Allow For A Background Color To Reduce Eye Disabilities, Sensitivities, Strain, & Fatigue
Please, even on “Dark Themes” allow for the email’s displayed background color (that is now a "Forced White"), to be obtained from the "user's programmed page background color". Allow for the user to be able to specify this color at least in hex (i.e, #cccccc), or instead to be obtained from the user's browser & system colors, in order to allow for eye disabilities & sensitivities, reduce eye strain, eye fatigue & computer vision syndrome, which are very real conditions. In addition, there are an incredible amount of colors available to the computer for use on every button, icon & background, & thus using "only white" is only a sign of "lack of creativity", “laziness” & "poor design choices" – in my opinion.
Anonymous commented
Grey is bland and on a mobile device the grey with the size of the font is just very difficult to use. Please open up the interface and allow the user to change colors, features and font sizes.
Anonymous commented
Why not start with pre-select themes and have some people design some themes. I was hoping we can custom color the tags, labels and from special emails we can select. Stand out more often compare to the others.
ms commented
I love that I can edit the CSS, but some basic themes to pick from would be amazing. Maybe default / white / dark / high contrast?
I changed the background of my read messages to white by adding
body #conversation-list-rows {
background: #fff;
}to the CSS on – but it took me too much time to find out how to do that.
LG commented
This is especially useful when the number of successive replies of a single initial mail is high... this helps seeing "who were specking" wile reviewing the exchanges.