Provide multi lingual versions
Provide the ProtonMail Service in further major European languages such as German, French, Spanish, Italian. That could improve the acceptance and increase the number of users.

Rodri commented
Franco commented
Anonymous commented
Me gusta la idea
Bengt commented
Swedish would be very nice please
VSx86 commented
For anyone who want to help ProtonMail with translations: -
Fin commented
I can help with Dutch
DS commented
Japanese support please
Anonymous commented
I'd like french so that my mom can use protonmail.
LucasTeixeira commented
Hello everyone!
I also thought about it, clearly my English is not fluent, but the proton in English does not disturb me. The point is that I have "released" Proton to people who really care about privacy (my father for example), and he's not at all comfortable in another language (I've heard him say it's a lack of consideration and everything else , Do not have in Portuguese).
But if the community could help, I could make the old man happier faster.
I have already used translation tools, in Spiceworks for example, and it works very well.
Victor commented
I can help in spanish too.
Piolio95 commented
i can help in french, portuguese and spanish if needed.
Happy new year!
Yaroslav commented
I'm ready to participate in community translation.
Someone commented
I came to request other languages such as french as well, would help me promoting Protonmail to friends.
Иван Пенев (Адмирал АнимЕ) commented
I can translate in Bulgarian!
Pedro commented
Please consider implementing portuguese when you add multi-language support. Portuguese is the 5th language most spoken in the world, the 3rd most spoken in the western hemisphere and the 1st in the southern hemisphere. Around 280 million people speak portuguese.
Thanks for the good work! -
Artem commented
I'm ready to translate into Ukrainian!
Álex Puchades commented
I'd like to help with the spanish/catalan translation also. I have experience helping to translate many free software projects (Fedora, GNOME...)
Anonymous commented
I am willing to help with translations into German (Deutsch) and Dutch (Nederlands), if needed. I have experience with transifex.
Javi commented
Hi Protonmail Team!
I am available to work on the translation to Spanish. Already supported Infinit ( with the same task. Also have some experience with Transifex.
Cheers ;)
Anonymous commented
German - i am ready to translate. Please setup a transifex instance or something like that.