User Controlled Email Filtering
I would like to be able to set up email filters such as those available on GMail and other mail services. I receive many spam emails that are not marked as spam and my inbox is constantly filled with junk mail from a few senders. It would be useful to be able to send emails to trash based on sender or specific keywords.

Full Email Filtering has been released in Version 3.4. You can learn more here:
[Deleted User] commented
To be honest, the filtering appears to be completely broken: I have read all the guides I can find (no examples what-so-ever, which does not help), and absolutely can not get filtering to work at all on my (paid subscription) account.
K S commented
I would also like to see an option to select e-mail adresses from my contacts when adding a filter based on sender adress. I was planning to set everything up properly now, but I fear that I'll have to export my contact list and copy paste every adress manualy. Being able to go directly to the contact list and select the adresses from there would make things a whole lot easier.
Another option would be to allow adding a standard label to a contact, so that every mail from that e-mail adress automaticaly receives that label. I don't know what would be preferred by most users, or what is easier to implement, but both would be good options for me.
F commented
I would have expected autocomplete in the “Sender” field when filtering by emails that I have already received mail from.
I would have also expect an “apply to existing” emails option so the filter could be retro-actively applied, rather than from the time of creation. This saves a lot of time and maintains continuity.
Anonymous commented
Yup. This is a dupe. See sqrl's comment.
Crystal Lai commented
Yes, this! It would also be great if "rules" is a more general feature. For instance, in Outlook there's the inbox and sweeping rules feature. Say, if contains "Buy now" in title, delete/forward/spam/etc. If from "", put in "School folder" and pin, etc. It's basically programming for dummies. I would GLADLY pay for this feature.
sqrl commented
Basically this would mean advanced usage of filters as in this request: -
sqrl commented
I assume that for the free accounts it is acceptable not to have this feature, it might even encourage you to clean up to free storage. But for the paid account I believe this is a must have. It would makes things so much easier and much more efficient.
RB commented
Anonymous commented
This is the only feature that's stopping me from giving money to ProtonMail. I need folders not labels, can't have all of that email in my inbox
Anonymous commented
Folders with the ability to filter/have rules on incoming emails are absolutely essential for me. That's the one thing that's stopping me from using this service as a primary email. There's that occasional Groupon email, or maybe Amazon specials, AAdvantage statement or a newsletter that's not all that important. I want to be able to automatically file these emails in separate folders without clogging my Inbox. I still want to receive them, but I want to look at them at my own leisure.
Nicolas Gilardi commented
I can't see how to display messages matching two or more labels. Is it already possible ?
A nice feature to add to the "search" menu would be a selectable list of existing labels, where the user could search for (or inside) all messages labeled "A" AND "B" AND "C", or messages labeled "D" OR "E". -
Anders Lundqvist commented
I'd like a feature where you can autolabel emails. For example all my emails from my boss would get labeled automatically based on the senders email.
Chris Griffin commented
Agree 100% with and Anonymous who said "ProtonMail need filters or rules to assign labels - or a combination of the two - as soon as possible. It is really a must have for a full fledged email service and essential for full out success."
Endre Kormos commented
Rules could include things like "Automatically archive message", like it does when applying labels manually.
[Deleted User] commented
The tags for me serve little useful purpose, since this only tags each respective message with a flag that makes inbox searches easier in the future. This is a very manual process of clicking each email and attaching the label. To my knowledge, it has nothing to do with sorting emails (putting into user folders) upon receipt.
I also use Runbox, and they allow me to set any number of aliases names to my primary email account. Then I can send/receive to/from that alias and it automatically goes into pre-defined folder during the exchange. All ProtonMail really needs is: If from this email string, then put into this folder/tag upon receipt.
However, I want to be able to reply from the email address I originally sent from by default and not my primary account since this would break the filtering for future replies and unintentionally expose my primary email address. (feature not available with Runbox)
Whatever the implementation- aliases vs. string filtering, this unquestionably should be a feature offered for a paid email service. I want to have one place where I can admin all my email and quickly find what I need. The inability to automatically put a received email into a specific folder with dedicated email addresses specific to that correspondence is the primary reason I have not switched completely to ProtonMail.
F commented
Yes, this is exactly what I expected from the recent May 2016 update, but it seems the filters are for whitelists and blacklists.
This request is simply a logical upgrade for an existing feature and shouldn't be too much to ask.
Anonymous commented
Yeah, this would be fantastic... It's definitely one of the main features that I miss. With custom rules to filter e-mail, I'd be a pretty content customer. Thanks
Anonymous commented
ProtonMail need filters or rules to assign labels - or a combination of the two - as soon as possible. It is really a must have for a full fledged email service and essential for full out success.
Even with end to end encryption it is no problem as long as for example the to and from are encrypted separate or in other ways can be processed separate. Then you can compare the encrypted strings with each other and do a filtration and apply rules without decrypting the addresses. Another way of doing it is to use a client filtration.
Any how it is possible even with encryption to apply rules to the mails without compromising the integrity of it.
So please implement the feature :)
Jeremy commented
Certainly worth the 3 votes.
MR commented
I agree to. Very Important feature to manage the inbox