Contact Groups
We need to be able to group contacts, with the option to send mail to specific groups. The ability to add a group to the TO: field is a must as well, there is no way to add multiple contacts at the moment. This is a necessary feature that I have seen in every email service I have used.

Contact groups are now available in ProtonMail.
More info here:
Anonymous commented
If this isn't implemented it is likely I will leave Protonmail, and I certainly would never pay if I can't send to groups as I literally only need this to send to large groups of people securely.
Anonymous commented
Groups will make this a lot smoother. Its tough trying to remember 10 different addresses
Anonymous commented
Work around. Keep a draft email with email addresses of group. Do not send email, just use it to copy and paste addresses in emails you are sending to group.
Example in subject of DRAFT email, I have subject Group = Family for my family members. And in the To: text input box I have all the names/email addresses for Group named Family. Address is of form
Uncle <********>
Grandpa <**********>
Super User<***********> -
Dana commented
grouping contacts is a basic "must have" please amend this
Keira commented
I am seriously considering changing my email service from protonmail because this feature isn't available.
I cannot believe I have paid for a service with such poor management features. It makes using protonmail to run my business extremely difficult, and is hindering my buisness growth.
If this feature does not become available in the next few months I am definitely ceasing to pay for this service and moving it over to an alternative. Very disappointing. -
Dylan Cooke commented
We realllllllly need this!
Angela Hough commented
HELP. It's difficult to believe any email service would not have contact groups. Using Proton is painful and cumbersome without this option.
David commented
Contact groups seem to be standard for business email clients. Is there a technical/coding issue with implementing this?
Dave commented
Proton Mail - I tweet you about this and you always promise its on the road map. How much do we need to pay you to implement a group contact feature? I'm already paying you for visionary service, but its not very visionary when simple features like group contact lists (or nested foldering for that matter) are not supported.
Mick Downs commented
This feature should be added as a matter of urgency. It would be a real help to anyone sending frequent emails to a group of people, but its absence must surely inhibit businesss users from using ProtonMail. Is it really that hard to provide?
ProtonUser commented
Yes please add Groups (and use EXOR filters so that there are no duplicates)
Anonymous commented
Can't believe there is no option to set up a group contact list. I was about to sign up for a paid account - not worth it at the moment. Come on guys add this feature soon, every other email service has this as standard.
Anonymous commented
I totally agree. I need to be able to create contact groups !
Anonymous commented
Grouping is a must!!!
Anonymous commented
Grouping is a must. for groups exceeding 10, it is prohibitive to manually add names to each email. This is necessary.
Anonymous commented
it is a very important and a necessary feature! i need to grouping my contacts!
Orlin Bozhinov commented
Protonmail is great for personal use. I was about to get a visionary account for one of our business as I realized there are no groups. I can't believe this is so far down the planned features list! Until this feature is done, Protonmail would simply be no good for our use as a company.
Keira commented
I honestly can't believe this isn't already a feature. I moved my business over to (paid) premium protonmail, but I'm now wishing I hadn't and had done more research into a more developed service. It is extremely inconvenient and greatly hinders my business growth. Hope to see this ASAP otherwise I will be looking to move over.
Anonymous commented
I was about to try and make the full plunge into ProtonMail, until o couldn’t figure out why none of my contact groups imported. The reason, I’ve now learned, is that there are no contact groups. A little baffling since this is a standard and important feature for so many. Unfortunately I’m going to have to lay up and wait for this feature to be added before I can jump. I just manage too many project teams and other groups that the lack of this feature would really make things cumbersome.
Thank you for the opportunity to set up an account, and for your commitment to what is by all accounts a solid product. -
Lizbeth commented
I agree with the others.