Contact Groups
We need to be able to group contacts, with the option to send mail to specific groups. The ability to add a group to the TO: field is a must as well, there is no way to add multiple contacts at the moment. This is a necessary feature that I have seen in every email service I have used.

Contact groups are now available in ProtonMail.
More info here:
William Fullington commented
Need to be able to group contacts with phone number only.
Need to be able to assign contacts to multiple groups (even if they are name and phone number only)
If the contact app is developed this would be critical in eliminating use of google (or apple)native apps
jonathan commented
thank you very, very much for having now implemented this feature. this is such must and was long overdue. it was a bit frustrating that it took so long, but thank you for having done it.
David Smith commented
Wasn't this already implemented recently?
- -
Anonymous commented
Yes please, make this possible. When you wanna grow, serve us with 'contact groups' with the possibilitiy for more than 25 adresses!
Anonymous commented
Ya, lack of group mail really sucks.
dnl commented
Please do so. I just signed up for a paid account. It won't really be worth it to use you if I don't have this option.
Thank you
Anonymous commented
This idea has been proposed in april 2015. We are now in novembre 2018. Still planned!.
Without this fonction I can't use Protonmail. -
Anonymous commented
Yes. Very needed.
Sue commented
Any chance creating email groups will be an option in 2018?
Ruth commented
I really need to have contact groups function.
Jason commented
Not having contact groups is *brutal*. I'd like to use my protonmail to contact members of various groups and boards I'm on, but I'm forced to use gmail because I can't manage groups of contacts in protonmail. On top of that it limits you to 25 addresses which is a pain if you're trying to send a notice to a 50 member organization. I'm shocked, contact groups is such a basic part of an email client/service that I didn't even think to double check that it existed before adopting the platform.
Joshua commented
I would give all of my votes to this if possible. I just signed up for a subscription because I like Protonmail and want to support further development. Contact groups are a must.
Dan commented
I have found a work around to the fact that "Contact List Groups" are not directly implemented. If one Includes a text string with a unique identifier like "Family, or Business#1" or whatever, then if that same exact string is entered into various to other contact list members test fields, in the name or Organization String, all you have to do when Composing a "Group email" is to hover mouse over to the "TO: Field" and get the Add Contact then Add Multiple Recipients, and a list will show up with the "members" of your "Group" .. It works Fine
Ingvar Engelbrecht commented
Just found this thread after spending time trying to figure out how to create "groups". I could not believe that such an essential feature was missing!!
And I can not continue using an email system that does not support such a vital function!!!! -
Anonymous commented
Essential. Please implement
Anonymous commented
Just signed up for Protonmail and literally the first non test email i sent was to family making them aware of my new email address.....and no contact group feature available? And given that two years has passed since this thread started it not a priority? Appears i can add a new contact/group and then add numerous emails for that contact but the email field does not autofill based on your contact info like it does in compose. You literally need to know everyone's email. A contact is a contact and a group is a group should be a clear distinction.
Anonymous commented
Any word on this? Been in the works since 2015??
jonathan commented
please please please get this implemented as soon as possible.
Nick commented
Anonymous commented
I just spent a lot of time today trying to figure out how to create a group because it was inconceivable to me that an email system would not have that basic functionality. I will likely leave PROTONMAIL and certainly NOT RECOMMEND its use until this basic need is fulfilled.