Mail redirection function (NOT the same as forwarding)
A mail REDIRECTION function should be made available in addition to the existing FORWARDING function in Proton Mail web mail. The mail redirect function has been available on common web mail front end UIs such as the HORDE web mail system popular with many regular ISP which provide web mail interface to their mail servers. Redirect is NOT the same as forwarding because redirect is as if the mail arrived at an e-mail address which is just a forwarder address and continues send the e-mail on to its final destination. This would allow PM users to redirect any e-mails they receive into the PM account to a regular e-mail address (albeit without encryption, if the user deems that encryption is not essential for specific e-mails being redirected), and e-mails at the target e-mail address that an email from PM is being redirected to can be picked up using a regular mail client program while preserving all the mail threading indexes on the mail client after such e-mails are retrieved.
Redirection eliminates changes in the subject field (where a FW: or similar notation is added when mails are forwarded rather than redirected) and provides mail threading continuity in the mail client used to collect such redirected mails.

doom-o-matic commented
Absolutely critical to host my family's email addresses into their own inboxes.
Mihail commented
i need this
Anonymous commented
I'd settle for forwarding between members of a protonmail organisation, but also support this.
Anonymous commented
Such a facility is essential if one share a domain, and emails are used by different users.
Sly commented
Hello guys, I think it’s the same as here:
Let’s make 1 big topic to gather all the votes!
Anonymous commented
This should also be implemented as a filter option.
Ratten Fanger commented
Is it possible to add incoming messages redirection?
Roipoussiere commented
I like this idea!