Unlimited alias
need unlimited alias
Luís Nabais commented
Tuta has unlimited aliases/addresses for custom domains. For me that's critical, I'm not using Proton Unlimited or Mail Plus just because of this.
And I don't want to use Proton Pass addresses or Simple Login, it beats the purpose of using Proton, as it adds an extra insecure layer. -
backfield commented
There is no reason custom domains should have any limitation on the number of emails you can generate. At the very least, the current number is far to low.
Julian commented
15 aliases for custom domains are not enough. Maybe not "unlimited", but I would need at least 50 for the different services i'm subscribed and that I want to have unique email addresses.
I will know who leaked my email, the accounts are not directly linked to my main email address, etc. -
cfouche 30 commented
Very poorly worded but I think a bigger amount of addresses for custom domain should be added as 5 per custom domain (15 in total for the unlimited tier) is too limiting. Maybe not unlimited but 50 or 100 per custom domain should be more usable for users
verbose786 commented
I think it is very unfortunate that the opening feature request is worded so poorly. Only after reading the comments I was able to figure out that this is referring to having multiple addresses on your account and not Hide-my-email-aliases.
It does make sense to limit the amount of addresses one can have with the official proton domains, however I think that it is crucial to be able to have an unlimited amount of addresses on your own custom domain.
Rody commented
This is a deal breaker for me. I manage over 1,000 aliases, such as proton@mydomain.com, etc. Until unlimited alias support is implemented, I'll continue using my current Mail In A Box setup.
Aleksander commented
That is a critical feature for users wanting to migrate away from Fastmail after their union busting practices came to light. I currently have > 800 email addresses on two custom domains.
Jose Valenzuela commented
Yeah, this is one of the reasons why I can't make up my mind between Tuta and Proton, thus I haven't switched to a paid subscription on either.
Oliver Breidbach commented
Unlimited alias for custom domains is the only thing, what prevents me from shutting down my own E-Mail server and switch to Proton.
As long as this restriction exists, I will never upgrade my Proton account. -
Ryan commented
I've been using a custom domain with both protonmail and simplelogin. Simply by using a subdomain. Services get (for example) spotify@mail.blah.io, and friends and family get myname@blah.io. Would like the entire system integrated, simplelogin, proton pass aliases, and protonmail addresses, but this workaround works well for me.
Nelson Corrocher (Nelsão) commented
This is so insanely important in that I switched to tuta.com, which grants unlimited email aliases for custom domain even liking Proton more (and being an user since 2020). Proton with simplelogin already has all the capabilities for that, it just needs to be implemented.
HcrZZ commented
My Proton plan supports 3 custom domains but only 15 email aliases. I need many more custom domain email aliases in order to assign one email address per online account and retain the ability to reply to incoming messages.
Frank commented
I create unique aliases for every service and do not wish to use, nor can I always rely on my ability to use ProtonPass' browser extension to generate email addresses.
I think it's more than generous to allow any aliases at all with proton's own domains, and honestly don't think that should even be available.
For custom domains, there should be no limit whatsoever. This feature alone is literally prohibiting me from migrating from my existing email service into Proton where I'd prefer to be. I was super disappointed to discover that even a custom domain counted against the 15-alias limit.
olho commented
Absolutely mind-boggling that this is not yet possible with custom domains. It's basically "my" domain, and it feels like being held "ho$tage" with 15 aliases per user/domain. I know it's possible to circument via SimpleLogin, but I don't want to use this service. I want to have nice UX and not have to explain non tech-savy people what this SimpleLogin thing is.
Truc commented
That's right. I'm new to Proton but already regretting it.
Jm commented
I have aliases since years and would have change all registrations base on the +Alias which proton offers.
Why is it so difficult to implement self-defined aliases for one email like in most other email solutions?
Proton Mail aliases seem to be for people who just stared with email address. ;)
noisycall commented
For custom domains we should be able to use unlimited or atleast a much larger number of email aliases.
I can understand not having this feature for proton aliases but not custom.
sovetski commented
Unlimited alias and unlimied domain names please.
You can look up to microsoft business basic plan, only for 5usd per month, we can add up to 5000 aliases and maybe unlimited domains. -
Yves YOSEPH commented
_Alias: unlimited extra addresses using the “undescore” sign, as some organization won't allow addresses with "+" sign.
[Deleted User] commented
I agree with other comments. On the unlimited plan, customers can add up to 3 custom domains but only 15 emails addresses? That's 5 addresses per custom domain. Why would I want a custom domain under such restriction? Come on Proton, make this realistic.
Also, I understand that alias addresses on custom domains cannot be deleted unless all emails that reference such addresses are deleted. This is because of the encryption key that also gets deleted. I have some comments:
- this prevents us from rotating a pool of "from" addresses which would help with this severe limitation on the number of aliases per account
- why anyway? With a catch-all, we still get all the receiving email addresses! What if I had some emails that came through catch-all first and after that only, I created an alias? And in any case... why delete the key?? Just because I delete the email alias doesn't mean the key needs to go and all its emails with it!! Keep the keys and optionally let the users manage them to their heart's content.
- apply the restriction (if one really must be) per custom domain, not per account. I could easily find myself in a situation where I've run out of addresses to even create the first one on a given domain. And not just 15... It isn't commercially or technically defendable.