Proton VPN
326 results found
Ability to transfer settings. For example, if I have ProtonVPN installed on one phone then want to switch to another phone or upgrade the phone, I want the ability for all or some of the settings from my previous phone to transfer over instead of manually having to configure each and every setting every time. This is especially important for excluded apps that requires tedious time and effort to go through a long list of apps.
6 votes -
Virtual Local/Peer Network
Allow users the create their own local networks, with devices that are running ProtonVPN.
For example a user would like to access a web server at home from his mobile device. Either directly to the web server or just by connecting to the his home LAN.
Another example, two ProtonVPN users would like to have a connection between their personal computers, for a network development project.
This would of course lay the foundation for a encrypted p2p messaging.
And for advanced users and professionals this would make life a whole lot easier, given that the implementation would show what devices…
3 votes -
Port Forwarding, and/or uPnP, through (i.e. Pfsense or router gateway as client) Wireguard to client PC(s)
For connections initiated with a standard Wireguard client (instead of a Proton App, since PfSense runs on FreeBSD).
Need PfSense Port Forwarding supported; and that is without needing to log into PfSense and constantly update to a new port number.
4 votes -
Random auto re-connects
Add a feature in the options you can toggle on/off to allow your VPN app to randomly reconnect to a new connection after a random amount of time.
Never the same amount of time. Could be 71mins, 7hrs42mins, 17hrs1min etc...
Keeping your signature even lower.7 votes -
Support for LibreELEC (either an addon for Kodi or a comprehensive guide to set up OpenVPN on it)
A thing that I really, really would like to have is the possibility to use Proton VPN on my Raspberry Pi 5 with LibreELEC on it.
After downloading the Zomboided addon for Kodi ( ) and using a script to solve the missing update-resolv-conf issue ( ), I managed to connect to your paid servers with my credentials, but while the IP address is ok I still get a DNS leak and I don't know how to fix it. I tried various things but nothing worked yet.
The best solution would be a Kodi Proton VPN add-on or…
3 votes -
Connect to home network through wrapped VPN
I am using Proton VPN. I'd like to use Wireguard to connect to my home network using a Wireshark VPN through a Proton VPN connection. The idea is, that the operator of the hotel, or cafe WIFI, can't distinguish, if I'm streaming a video from e.g. Youtube through Proton VPN, or from my home NAS. They should just see connections with Proton VPN.
On my Linux laptop, I can control, that the Proton VPN wraps the home VPN connection. But with the Proton App on the Android Phone, and on my iPad, I don't know, how to do that.
2 votes -
Ip tv et certificat
Global Tv demande l'import du certificat pour une connexion vpn.
Comment procéder ?
J'ai installé proton vpn sur mon iptv.
Mrrci3 votes -
Device status indicator (how many out of 10 are in use)
Its annoying that their is no overview of how many devices your using out of the 10 allowed.
Also, it would be nice to be able to name your devices if this feature is added.24 votes -
ISP detection
On IVPN you can easily see which isp is connected to the servers of the countrys. That is nice to prevent them collecting and connecting requests from the VPN Servers.
It would be nice to see that as well &For me it is a important thing, that on Secure Core you can connect 2 servers, which have the same ISP.
3 votes -
Use Hardware / Security Key as 2FA
Allow Hardware Security Keys (FIDO2 like YubiKey) as a backup 2FA for ProtonVPN (like all the other Proton Services). Currently Proton VPN only supports TOTP authenticators for 2FA which is inconvenient especially when all the other Proton services work fine with security keys.
24 votes -
Show city in UI (top right)
I've noticed (top right of UI) that ProtonVPN displays location-based information i.e. the country, server, and IP address only, it currently does not include the current city. Adding this piece of information could significantly improve the functionality.
18 votes -
2 votes
Proton Tele
How about a new chat product from Proton like "Telegram" Since Telegram has been recently compromised with the imprisonment of the owner of Telegram in France. We need a new fully encrypted end to end phone/ chat app on the block...
3 votes -
mesh net
can add mesh net feature for free and parsonal plan
8 votes -
Never connect to specific U.S. states (e.g. those banning ****)
I would like to have critieria set to never connect to U.S. states that require identification upload for adult content, even is fastest connection is set by default.
It would be nice if we could set location-based exclusion criteria.
2 votes -
Block Malware by maintained database (not just dns)
To my understanding you now only block malware based on dns. I would think it would be very nice if also ip addresses of bad actors would get blocked by using realtime databases of such attackers.
29 votes -
Ability to choose to connect to the fastest server in a state in America quickly
Currently if I want to connect to other states in America I have to go through a very long list of servers. I just want to quickly connector to the fastest server of that state or city with one click. More server detail option can be saved for some advance settings
7 votes -
Filter by feature e.g IPv6, TOR, smart routing, P2P, streaming etc.
We should be able to filter servers by features (multi-select) e.g IPv6, TOR, smart routing, P2P, streaming etc.
3 votes -
Set default connection to a United States State
It would be great if I could set my default connection to be any server in a particular State of the United States. For example, I would like to be able to specify connecting to a server in Georgia by default by entering US-GA in the Default connection/Auto connect setting. Maybe people connecting from other countries would like a feature like this too. As an extension to this feature request having a "Quick Default Connection" button to connect to whatever is specified as the Default connection/Auto connect setting would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
5 votes -
Aggregate multiple Internet connections by Multipath TCP (MPTCP)
Bonding connections to really aggregate bandwidth from of multiple internet connections with different characteristics (Fiber, ADSL, VDSL, 4G, 5G,...) by using Multipath TCP
18 votes
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