Control the blocklists used by Netshield for ad blocking
Please add the ability for users to control the blocklists used by Netshield for ad blocking. Most other tools (such as PiHole, Next DNS etc) allow users to manually:
1. Specify which blocklists to activate
2. Add sites to a white list (this is often needed to get newsletter sign-up forms and login forms on subscription and e-commerce sites to work properly)
3. Add sites to a blacklist (custom blocklist).
DOS SANTOS commented
It could replace ADAWAY. I would like to request the ability to import and integrate custom hostfiles (e.g., those from AdAway or similar sources) into NetShield.
Letting use integrate the host files like in there:
It could allow android and apple users to totally block any advertising and tracking. -
Adam Gordon commented
More media sites won't let you read their content with an ad blocker turned on, so this is becoming a more important feature
Simon Jacobs commented
Please improve netshield blocklist. Its terrible compared to other providers. Sometimes it even blocks wanted contents while not blocking actual ads. Improve the blocklist and let us add custom or preset blocklists.
Maurits commented
It would be great if there would be a separate service or build in feature where we could choose our lists and settings similar to NextDNS.
Or implement the option where we can set the DNS ourself. -
Joe Pereto commented
This is very important. I have to disable full NetShield (and use partial) to get a specific app to remember me without going through 2FA. A whitelist would be awesome.
John commented
Yes, very useful, we need a pi-hole like tool when using 4g with vpn
Post-Scriptum commented
As Blockada offer the ability to choose between many safe improve adblock or social tracking etc.
Add an option for enable and select pre-choose lists (and maybe, an advance option for add-it manually from filter list for example
jherazob commented
I currently use Blokada on my phone to block ads and tracking, and since it's a pseudo-VPN it cannot be used along with ProtonVPN. Therefore for me to use ProtonVPN would mean stopping Blokada. So, either NetShield becomes strong enough to work at the same level as Blokada, or i will not use it. Giving the VPN client the ability to use these block lists would be an easy way to ensure this happens.
Until then i am not paying for Unlimited, all i use for now is Mail and in a limited way Drive, without the VPN i see no point in upgrading.