Option to exclude free servers (for subscribers)
Somewhere in the settings or connection page, please provide a way for paid subscribers to exclude connecting to FREE servers when not selecting a specific server.
Lance commented
This feature could be more broad to exclude free servers, certain countries, certain states (US), and certain cities.
Dave commented
Hi. Is this a thing?
Why would a paid subscriber ever want be downgraded to a overloaded free server anyway?FYI: ProtonVPN has recently also started reducing the few country choices previously available to free accounts - Now an algorithm decides where you connect to - supposedly to more efficiently "load shed" on these "overloaded" servers. (Against the opinion of those customers)
If the suggestion on this page was adopted - not pushing paid VPN accounts onto the free servers, then bot-driven "load sharing" also wouldn't be neccesary for free acounts.
And primium paid servers would be exclusively for paid accounts.
Everyone wins.
C'mon Proton - reverse your bad decision on free servers - and add the button suggested here