On the "Create Profile" page, automatically suggest a profile name, the suggested name including the SERVER name and CITY
Request: On the "Create Profile" page, automatically suggest a profile name, the suggested name including the SERVER name and the CITY in which the server resides.
For example, if I were to select server US-IL#200 from the dropdown menu for selecting the server, something like "US-IL#200 (Chicago)" would be automatically added to the name field as a suggested name. Similarly, if I were to create a profile selecting the fastest server in the US, the suggested name could be something like "United States (fastest)" or similar. Including the protocol in the suggested name would also be good, but at least to me, less important than including the city name in the suggested name.
Of course, I should be able to edit what is suggested. But having a name (including sever name and city location) automatically suggested would be helpful.