Edit and view .txt files in drive
Would proton drive be better with a built in plain text editor? I think the answer is a resounding yes!
Plain text documents are the backbone of modern computing. This feature would allow for the quick creation and storage of information like code snippets, sensitive information, journal writing, and much more.
core features:
create new .txt
edit new .txt
preview/view .txt
rename .txt
password protect .txt
add in line numbers
attach file to email
group/shared edit .txt file

ano nymous commented
Really needed, especially for .txt and .md!
I know, there is Proton Docs, but that just blows up everything. A new copy per save (for version history) is just too much!
And I want to download the files I just uploaded to Proton Drive and edit them with a text editor (I don't want to open docs just to copy the text). -
Jan Zimmerli commented
The ability to create and edit plain text files in the web app would be great!
Maybe not limit it to file ending .txt only but enable "edit as plain text" for all files? Example: Edit markdown (.md) as well.
ione commented
this is so useful, dropbox has it on mobile (but not in their web interface)
Pablo Estronada commented
It is honestly ridiculous to me that ProtonMail has had a txt and html editor for a decade, but drive did not possess this feature from day one, let alone several years into its development. As a web developer I highly doubt strict plaintext editing (no bells and whistles like WYSIWYG, rich text, formatting, highlighting, img or file embedding, etc) or CRUD operations of any plain text format (EVERYTHING that can be represented and edited in strict plaintext like markdown, html, json, yaml, etc) would require more than a miniscule amount of development investment.
The lack of plain text features in drive leads me to believe it was a strategic decision, like to prevent the data consumption that a full-migration from competitors would entail, or something more user-hostile like artificial barriers to attrition and usage outside proton apps.
Michael commented
Just to echo previous comments (and possibly bump?). Would really love this feature. (Dropbox offers it, in case that fires up any competitive sentiment from the Engineering division)
Leeks commented
The new Docs editor is a really nice addition but on a mobile device, it still needs to use a web browser. And, my web browser comes up as "unsupported browser". A plain text editor that works within the Drive app would be a really helpful feature.
Anonymous commented
Additionally: do not create a Proton Doc file duplicate of a .txt file when opening that .txt file.
Les commented
A feature has been needed for a very long time
Adelf commented
I add my comment to bump this request. Hot online editing is a must have!
It's Hide commented
I was going to post the same thing, I saw that "Robert" wrote, and exactly this feature is very important and should be added, because most of the competing companies have this, and Proton, which is ahead of many in terms of security, should not be ignored.
Leeks commented
Very handy to have this feature. Creating/editing a simple .txt file allows ideas, notes, lists, etc. to be easily exchanged between devices.
Nuno commented
I would really like to be able to edit a text file!