Failed Files when uploading. Feature to retry all failed files.
I uploaded 1000+ files. 39 failed. It is difficult to scroll through and find the failed ones. I suggest being able to sort the upload list by failed files, or a button to retry all failed files

YourName commented
This is 3 features I think, from a programmer perspective:
1) Change columns "All Active Completed Failed" to "Queued Uploading Complete Cancelled Failed". As the OP states, the unsorted combination of Failed and Cancelled is utterly unusable if you just uploaded 3000 files and you can't find the 7 that failed.
2) When uploading a folder, in addition to "Replace, Rename(1), Skip" there should be "Replace if file size is different". (There is already a feature request for checksums so I won't discuss that here -
3) Show the full file or folder path in the details of the columns.