Linux Client
Proton Drive really needs the ability to sync desktop files automatically. This post focuses on a Linux client for Proton Drive.

Sylvain Moreau commented
absolutely needed
Ryan McLaughlin commented
I am looking into replacing my onedrive as well as other services with proton unlimited but this is what's holding me back. The day we get a Linux client for proton drive I will be purchasing 2 years of unlimited, until then you won't see a dollar.
Hopefully you acknowledge this soon, I'd prefer to just pay proton rather than 4 different companies for the same services.
Joshua commented
How is this the 2nd most voted, yet it hasn't even been acknowledged?!
Nocturn commented
Since Windows 11 and it's further development is already and will even more be a survilliance tool, I see alot of people changing to Linux. Especially because the development of linux in the last years is tremendous! Props to the devs.
So that in mind it's a rational step to develop all Desktop Apps equally for Linux. -
Gustavo commented
Hello Proton Team. As you can see, there are a lot of votes for this new (or critical) feature. Recently I migrated from Windows to Linux (Mint). I thought to upgrade my plan, but this detail continues stopping me. It would be great that you build this desktop app for linux. Rclone helps too to migrate all conventional cloud storages to Protondrive. Please do it and I (like other people) will pass to proton unlimited. Thank you so much for your continuous support.
Guillaume Pellerin commented
I still can't use Proton drive as I only use Linux ...
Raoel Oomen commented
Just provide an API and let the community do the rest
DaCracker commented
I only use GNU/Linux (Debian) on my desktop/servers. A Linux client would make the
working with Proton Drive much easier. -
Tom commented
As someone who wants to move away from Windows permanently, this is one of two critical apps that are currently not supported. While I love every feature in Proton, and want to stay with Proton, the lack of Linux client is becoming a deal breaking issue that will eventually force me to terminate my subscription. Can someone from the Proton team please respond to this thread, as many people have asked, so we know we're being listened to! Even if the answer is that you hear us but have no plans for a client!
JD commented
It would be great to have a Linux client
watersparky commented
I only use linux. I want to switch from dropbox and google solutions. this is holding me back from commiting.
Nocturn commented
Also critical for me. I'm a Linux only user (Pop!_OS, Ubuntu). My renewal of the Proton Unlimited subscribtion depends in this Feature.
Anon commented
This is critical. I would have upgraded to your new "Duo" plan if Drive had a Linux app.
Brad commented
It is critical for me. Once we get a proper linux client I will be moving to unlimited.
Tim Gromeyer commented
It's critical for me. Currently, i use mega sync, but I wanna migrate fully to proton.
Matthias Binzer commented
The integration into linux file system does work with latest rclone version. I am using 1.67. It does allow to copy and move files/directories in and out of the folder that is selected in the rclone configuration to exchange data with Proton Drive. It is however still not perfect yet and according to the rclone home page it is a bit of a voluntary work by rclone members. It would be great if proton could give some support to the rclone team to make the support a bit more reliable.
Freek commented
2751 votes, what were the votes on an AI writing assistant and a bitcoin wallet again? ;)
Anyway, I would love to be able to just mount proton drive in Linux (Gnome) as I can do with Nextcloud. I started syncing my pictures from iOS which works really well, having them show up on my laptop would be so sweet.
I'm not an expert but you could also expose an API and the apps/connectors will come from the community... I would also really appreciate rsyncing into proton drive for example. -
Radek commented
This, along with supporting Proton calendar through Proton bridge is one of the two things that are preventing me from migrating fully to Proton. I use Linux because I prefer it over other options, but, recently, due to requirements of my workflow, I now need to use a Linux environment all the time, and the lack of a ProtonDrive client is making this increasingly difficult, and has me on the search for alternatives to ProtonDrive.
Jacob commented
Needless to say, this is critical for me as a Proton user who primarily uses Linux. The total silence on this fundamental feature really makes one feel like a second-class customer.
It is worth noting the rclone functionality for Proton Drive, if only for the sake of dispelling it as a reason to de-prioritise a proper Linux client. I have tried this option myself, and it is agonizingly slow, to the point of being unusable for daily use. I am talking about hours of waiting to process a few megabytes of data. It is far from being an alternative right now. An official client is needed. If this isn't in the cards, at least give the open source community whatever they need to develop a usable alternative.
AmishFarmer commented
I'm finally settling into the Linux world (being a fed up Windows user). After every distro change I've made over the last few months (it appears to be a required activity for new Linux users), I check to see if a Proton Drive client is available for Linux. Looking at the recent comments here, I conclude that I may have to resign from the optimist's club. What gives?
To echo what others have said, skip the AI and bitcoin and low up-voted feature requests. If people (including me) are lining up, waiting to pay for the full suite of Proton Products; but not implementing this feature is stopping people from handing over their hard earned cash, then can someone please get a copy of these comments over to accounting, or directly to the CFO of Proton? If that doesn't do it, I'll be happy to put together a quick PowerPoint -- errr, OnlyOffice presentation -- outlining the many financial benefits of selling cars and SUV's with four wheels instead of three.