Linux Client
Proton Drive really needs the ability to sync desktop files automatically. This post focuses on a Linux client for Proton Drive.

tiens voilà du boudin commented
I think my next machine, used mainly for development, will be running Ubuntu. But without proton drive, i'm not so sure.
Anonymous commented
In order to centralize safely personal documents (important), it is the last piece that would allow me to synchronize my laptops (personal or work) with my phone. Currently I use because of this linux app.
Édouard commented
I second all of the above comments. The only thing stopping me from fully committing to Proton (and adopting a paid plan) is the lack of real-time synchronisation on Linux similar to what Nextcloud has (beautifully) achieved with its own client (and the wonderful integration with Nautilus and Dolphin).
As others have mentioned, publishing the API could be an intermediary step that would allow for a proper rclone solution (until they finish developing their own client). Andy Yen recently said in an interview with Nicolas (The Linux Experiment) that Proton's "cultural DNA" is open source, open standards, and open science, so please help the Linux community build a proper Proton client.
Vu Dú commented
This is the only feature keeping me from paying for Proton services. I am a Fedora linux user. Without a Linux client the Proton Drive is worthless to me.
Fabian commented
I'm using Linux as my bread and butter system for more than 20 years and the Proton apps for more than 5 years. I fully support the request for a Linux Client for Proton Drive.
Jaques commented
Very important. Without auto-synchronisation Proton drive is unusable.
James Burton commented
I'm soon switching from Windows to Linux: better privacy, better dev experience and these days a decent gaming experience too.
I want to use Proton for my personal document storage and also adopt it in my software engineering business. But without a linux client to sync files and directories I shall have to look elsewhere.
Edvin commented
If I don't have this then I really can't use Drive.
Pal commented
It's very simple: until there is a Proton Drive client for Linux, I'm not buying a Proton Unlimited subscription.
Aaron Nathan commented
The people have spoken.
"One thing I think they're missing in that simplistic analysis is that Linux users tend to be powerful advocates for privacy-respecting software and services. While we may be a minority of users, we are a very vocal minority that will drive wider adoption of their products - as long as they don't leave us out in the cold. Not supporting Linux as a first class OS should be seen as an existential risk for Proton, because if someone else captures that market first it will be very hard to claw back all of the would-be product evangelists. It's like they don't realize how huge the overlap is between Linux users and the people who get their friends and family to use Proton products." - u/cmwh1te on Monday, September 26, 2022 @ r/ProtonMail/comments/xld0f0/comment/ipz83je/
Stephane commented
Nearly 6000 votes!!
What else is needed for Proton to get moving on a Linux client? -
Rui commented
I am a long time Linux user. If I have a native Proton Drive client for Linux, I will gladly migrate all the stuff on Google Drive and One Drive, to Proton.
Photos, videos, documents, everything. -
John Morris commented
I have long been a dual Linux/Windows user. I am ditching Windows 11 because of the ever encroaching privacy concerns, and Windows 10 is EOL next year. So I'm moving to Linux full time. In that move, I'd LOVE to ditch OneDrive, for something better. Proton Drive seems like a great option, simpler to implement than other top privacy respecting candidates, and the other feature of the paid Proton Unlimited or Family package would allow me to replace a number of other services at the same time (i.e. VPN, mail, calendar, and password manager). But the lack of Linux support is a dealbreaker.
Recent Windows 11 feature announcements are going to drive quite a few people away from Windows and Microsoft, and Linux is a mature, top alternative. Not supporting Linux is going to mean missing out on marketshare from those fleeing Microsoft.
Ryan commented
Drive needs a Linux client. With mail I actually prefer to use a browser, but drive needs a native install that can sync in the background. It is not a viable alternative to other options like Dropbox until it can sync with all your devices. I specifically want to be able to install it on my Synology NAS, but desktop Linux will be needed to.
jeronath commented
As a Linux user, the fact that you can't really use Proton Drive because of a missing real-time synchronization client is a disgrace and a scandal! And reading the comments, I discover that Linux users have been waiting for this for 4 years!
What a disappointment! Maybe we're considered a negligible quantity! -
Nicolas Christin commented
I don't understand why this is not a thing yet. You don't even have to provide a client yourself; just stabilize and document the API so we can have a proper rclone client.
Nick J commented
With MS becoming increasingly hostile to user/data privacy, I would very much like to ditch Win11 and use something like OpenSUSE as a daily driver for my home PC. Having a native Linux app for Proton Drive would make that switch possible, since it's currently the only cloud-based storage solution I use.
Roger commented
It is really annoying not to have Sync on Linux.
Peter commented
Please add this.
Pranesh commented
put the sync for Linux as a top goal ...... urgently needed