Linux Client
Proton Drive really needs the ability to sync desktop files automatically. This post focuses on a Linux client for Proton Drive.
Pijus XP commented
I am paying client and I critically need folder sync for linux.
macrohumanity commented
Agreed — this addition would help solidify me as a long term customer
Hans commented
Same here, please release a client or API or integrate webdav or anything so that these 3TB are usable for anything
Leon commented
If there is any possibility to backup my appr. 100GB Linux OS (right now Ubuntu) to ProtonDrive, I will start paying for a Proton Unlimited account
Jim Nantz commented
I'd like to be able to mount my proton drive on my linux box. Google has that for windoze users, but not linux. I'd love to have it here.
Tommy Vercetti commented
The missing Linux client is the reason why I don't have a Proton subscription.
Aaron commented
The integrated backup tool in Ubuntu is currently deja dup, which by default uses duplicity. Step one would be a Proton Drive API (and ideally Python library) that open source developers could integrate with, then it could be added to duplicity and deja dup.
Andrey Martyanov commented
At least provide public API for this and community will do the rest.
Martin Gallauner commented
A proper linux client would be a game changer. Now I have to use Mega for that.
I would love to use proton instead -
Matt Hennigan commented
Absolute must, you put this in and I'm switch to the unlimited plan
Armin Geisse commented
I would really love to be able to continously synchronize my files on Linux. I can not understand why this is not possible on PD.
Jason commented
Is there an Alpha or Beta client? How about a Beta API? Let the open source community work for you.
xliee commented
This feature is essential for almost every linux user that's using proton, allowing users to use proton as a backup method.
William Starrs commented
If I want this to replace other cloud storage, I would need it to synchronize files between devices. Static file storage without synchronization does not hold much value for me.
RabeFedder commented
Only thing keeping me from leaving Mega
Paul Zeinlinger commented
I think proportionally more Linux users care about privacy as compared to other platforms. So, why cut us out?
William MacLachlan commented
Linux has never been a priority for Proton. Any part of their ecosystem that is NOT browser based is rudimentary at best when compared to Windows and Mac. For example, Proton VPN only has a fraction of the features and flexibility of the Windows client. I would LOVE to migrate from MEGA to Proton Drive, but until it integrates with the Linux filesystems, it is of NO use. Sure, I could copy/paste my user folders manually, but I don't have to with EVERY other cloud based client. Proton, STOP IGNORING LINUX!
nicobo commented
There is already the same proposition with more votes =>
Jeronimo commented
This would be a great and secure help in hybrid work. Just automate protondrive syncing and no more checking thousands of versions on different machines. Linux especially needs such an option when you script and create your own automations on different machines, both at work and at home. Even better would be an additional CLI version to automate the whole process with simple bash scripts. One command and ready to go
Alex Musick commented
I literally can not use the service effectively without this. If no Linux client is ever announced, I'm unfortunately going to have to move to competing services.
I already have them picked out, in fact, but I'm trying to keep hope that Proton will do the right thing.