Post individual git commits for the apps
Currently, the public code repository for the ProtonDrive apps only has a single git commit for each release. This makes it incredibly hard to track down bugs when beta testing, and is similar to what garbage companies like NVIDIA do for their open-source software. Other Proton apps have each individual commit in their respective repositories, so I don't see why the ProtonDrive code is published in this terrible way. I make frequent bug reports when I run into issues beta testing Proton software, and this makes it impossible for me to provide higher quality bug reports to the Proton developers, and makes inspecting the code hard.
Thank you for considering this. Below are links showing the differences between how the ProtonMail app is published vs. ProtonDrive, and how NVIDIA does things in a similar hostile way.
ProtonDrive (bad):
NVIDIA (bad):
ProtonMail (good):