Better scrolling for large amounts of photos
I know there are some posts that include this idea, but they usually lump it together with several other features, like albums or search, so I wanted to create this as a separate issue.
PLEASE consider making the scrolling experience in the photos app actually usable for large amounts of photos. I am about to move my photos from Google to Proton, and this is a glaring difference in usability.
I have about 50 thousand pictures and videos on Google drive, but I can find the pictures from my vacation in Italy from 2022 within 10 seconds of opening the app, thanks to their quickscroll bar that lets me jump to a given month and year easily.
On Proton Photos, I can simply not do that at the moment. It is a photo storage app, but not an actual photos app. Scrolling even half a year back takes me a minute or so, with little indication how far I actually got. And then I have to scroll aaaaaall the way up again manually, when I'm done.
So here's three suggestions that should be super easy to implement:
- implement a quickscroll bar/slider for month/year, just like Google photos has
- make the current month a sticky list header, so you always know what date you're at while scrolling
- Add a "jump to top" button when you've scrolled a certain distance from the top
All of these should take a developer very little time and add infinity value to Proton Drive, because you can actually find old photos instead of just storing them.