Calendar widget for Android
As an Android phone user, it would be great if we can have calendar widget which can be directly accessed without opening the app.

The Calendar Android app now offers a widget to quickly view upcoming events.
Anonymous commented
Yes please!
Anonymous commented
I like this idea. +1
Frederic commented
Absolutely, A widget like to one used by "business calendar". I will then switch to proton android calendar application.
Anonymous commented
This is very important to me - seeing new emails in a widget helps me to understand my work situation at a glance and be more effective.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Especially inbox would be awesome. Would make it more useful compared to GMail.
Austin commented
I want this. so I can use too show my appointments on home screen, also a map and phone button next to the appointment in the widget like "business calendar" app does on android.
Brad commented
Android and iOS widgets to show contacts, inbox, calendar, etc in small widgets on the home screen.