Can my calendar email reminders include the event name, time, location, and details?
Can my calendar email reminders include the event name, time, location, and details? This way I can check my event reminder in my proton email app, especially since there is no calendar app on iOS yet?
Thank you

myprotonideas commented
We need the details in the email.
If the calendar sends the email to a proton account, include the calendar title in the email subject. Include calendar details in the body.If the calendar sends email to non-proton account, include the calendar title in the email body to protect privacy.
John Kaye commented
@myprotonideas, where can you enable/disable those features? I've looked in the web app and Android app and cannot find them.
myprotonideas commented
The following options should be enabled by default, but user can disable (e.g, to save space of not wanting to show the information in the email)
- Include event name in the Email subject.
- Include all other calendar information in the Email body. -
KriKo commented
Same / similar request is here:
"Make the location also visible on calendar events"
"Make location and description visible without opening event"
Add the votes and it becomes more important... -
myprotonideas commented
Include all the information in the body only (subject isn't encrypted)
Also, use colors matching the calendar color entry.
Also, include this in the emails sent to ProtonMail -
Ryūga Hideki commented
There is also this issue with e-mail notifications sent for calendar events to be rather heavy, laden with unnecessary images and promotional content related to Proton products. This ALWAYS results in the core event information being obscured and makes it less user-friendly.
Would be great to optimize the used template as well, specifically, I would appreciate it if these notifications could be more focused on presenting the essential details of the scheduled events, with minimal distractions and promotional content.
Simplified email notifications would greatly enhance the usability of Proton Calendar and ensure that users can quickly access the necessary information without any unnecessary distractions. This adjustment would not only streamline the user experience but also align with the privacy-focused ethos that ProtonMail and its associated services are known for.
JW commented
Fully agree. The lack of information makes this feature essentially useless... or worse it leads to a false sense of security.
I understand there is a default for privacy, however a simple setting to turn off that privacy would likely be desirable.
A calendar that simply tells you "There's an event." when you have a packed schedule quickly becomes useless.
Barb commented
I am also requesting this feature. When you see a calendar reminder pop up, you need more than something is happening on that date, you need at least what it is and when it is.