Schedule recurring/repeating events by the 'third Wednesday of the month' or 'last day of month'
Sometimes I need to schedule something based on the day of the week and the number of weeks in the month. In other words, if I have something that occurs on the "third Wednesday of every month," I can't schedule it to happen monthly since the number of weeks in a month varies. There is currently no option for this, and I've had to resort to manually calendaring these events individually.

Paul commented
Also, please test event invitations from Microsoft Outlook more completely, as many of Outlook's more sophisticated scheduling options, especially repeating ones, are not properly supported (Proton often just complains that the ICS is incorrect or unreadable... and yet Google and other calendars can do it ;-) ). Thanks!
cyriel commented
Ran into this today, trying to schedule something repeating on the last day of the month. The UI gives me options for "the fourth friday" or "the last friday", but there's no option for "the last day". This is so weird. How do you end up supporting a specific enumerated weekday but not something basic like the last day of every month? :/
Shaula commented
perhaps fixed? I need this as well on a yearly basis. I entered several events today that repeat on "the 3rd Sunday of January" and the "first weekend of April" and I had to just note that in the title of the event so next year hopefully I'll notice before I overbook and then can't attend. I am using chrome.
After reviewing the comments, I used my phone app to change the recurrence to be the 3rd Sunday every 12 months. (and, cool, it looks like I can do months up past 24...) and I verified that I can also do this in my chrome browser. Thank you!
Pete Yadlowsky commented
"3rd wednesday of the month" scheduling works fine for me, at least on the web interface, but there needs to be a last-day-of-month as well.
Anonymous commented
This comment is not true:
Reuben Hochstetler kommentierte · Dienstag, 24. September 2024, 15:01 Uhr · GemeldetThis is already working exactly like you want. At least from the browser.
With beta activated on Firefox 131.0.3 with Linux LMDE, I can still only choose the number oft days, weeks or months to repeat, but no option going any further such as shown in the screenshot.
RB commented
@Reuben Hochstetler Thanks! This seems to be a recent feature, including on the browser. For example, has ‘More complex event frequency rules such as last Friday of the month etc.’ ( as an official votable option set by ProtonMail themselves. Furthermore, I was in contact with PM in August directly, and they agreed this had not yet been possible.
So it seems to be a new feature, not yet announced afaict.
It is also not fully implemented to cover more complex event recurrence:
* for example Good Friday, which depends on Easter which in turn is movable;
* June solstice, which happens anywhere between 20 and 22 June depending on the year.As for how to implement these more complicated occurrences, I gave one option two comments before your comment.
Jimmy Trentham commented
@Rueben Hochstetler Thank you for your comment. I had not seen this as I don't typically use browser interfaces.
Kazimierz Krauze commented
Also add the possibility to schedule first friday after the 6th of every month.
RB commented
I firmly second this suggestion.
To add, for me it would also be useful to schedule around the spring/summer equinoxes and summer/winter soltices as they move around.
More generally: it is useful to set event recurrence to align with another already created/imported event. So if soltices were to have been imported, I could create a new event and choose from drop-down menu 'same as "summer soltice"'.
Alexandre commented
Well I didn't know it was possible in other calendar providers while I'd love such a feature. I already use similar schedules in Todoist
Whisper Loudly commented
This is a basic feature of any useful calendar, and I'm amazed there's no UI for it.
Interestingly, it works if one imports an ICS file containing a recurring event such as "last day of the month". The description of such an event might not be accurate within Proton Calendar (e.g. it might say "every month on the 31st" even though it's actually "every month on the last day"), but it will schedule correctly. So as a labor-intensive workaround, one can:
• Export an ICS with the desired event from another app and import it into Proton Calendar.
• Export an ICS from Proton Calendar with a similar recurring event (e.g. monthly on the 31st), modify the recurrence rule for the event by manually editing the ICS file, then import it back into Proton Calendar.
For the tech masochists:
If you're manually editing an ICS file in a text editor (remember to use DOS newlines), you can change the target RRULE line as follows:
That's for the simple case of "last day of the month", repeating forever. See RFC 5545 § Obviously, this isn't remotely practical, but someone might find it useful.
Samuel commented
This is a core feature that makes the app less good in UI/UX sense than Google Calendar, etc. This is the #1 thing I want the most in an update from the dev team.
LG commented
This seems to have been added. You can access it when you create a new event.
Ethan commented
Please add this! I have events that occur on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturdays of each month and this would help me switch to using Proton Calendar!
Jon R commented
Until this gets fixed Proton Calendar is useless for me.
A shame, as I really would like to keep as much as I can within the Proton world. -
RS 232 commented
This would be a very useful option. For me it is essential to be able to enter a recurring event on the very last day of each month, regardless of the day number (28, 29, 30 or 31). Unfortunately, this missing functionality prevents me from switching to Proton Calendar.
J commented
Yep this is really important! It would be a great improvement.
Joshua commented
This is the main reason keeping me from switching to Proton Calendar.
I have a recurring meeting for every 3rd Sunday of the month
Rafael commented
I would need something like every week day, now I need to create 5 meetings that recur once per week... terrible ux tbh. -
Lauren J. commented
We also need a "fifth ... of the month" for events that only occur when there are five of that day in the month. For example, I have something that repeats every Thursday EXCEPT on fifth Thursdays, and something different on those days.