Shared calendar as default
My spouse and I use one shared calendar (currently on iCloud). It is a shared family calendar that we both have set as the default calendar for new appointments.
In Proton Calendar you can share a calendar and edit the shared calendar, but you can't set that shared calendar as your default. Big miss for us and a reason not to switch to Proton Calendar yet.

kat commented
Our family uses Proton and would like to use the family shared calendar by default.
Arne commented
Same here: Partner and myself are each in our own default calendar, shared with the other partner so we can both see all events, except in background they are in separate calenders. Now this is a (temporary) work-around to solve the issue.
Except we found the next issue: My partner (iOS app) cannot delete items that I (Android app) made in "my shared calendar", while the other way around I can create or delete items that partner made in "their shared calendar". So iOS app functionality is lagging behind here.
Still it is a messy workaround. Would prefer to have only ONE shared calendar as the default for both of us.
wally commented
Upgraded to Duo in order to share calendar.
Only discovered the hard way when calendar dates were not being shared that I was unable to change the default calendar, even after naively deleting the "personal default calendar"!
What is the point of sharing the calendar if all entries go to the dafault calendar which is NOT the default calendar???
Michael M. commented
Love this idea. Please incorporate it.
Nick commented
Sharing calendars works, but I'm not able to set one of the shared calendars as my default. So my partner and I are still effectively maintaining two separate calendars.
nichu42 commented
This has been implemented. Thank you!
nichu42 commented
That's exactly what keeps me / us from moving to Proton.
Hugo commented
Same issue :)
Recently moved over to Proton and dragged my husband along with me.
We've shared a calendar for years--needless to say, we share our schedule and plans 99.9% of the time.
It's caused a fair bit of annoyance that he cannot simply use our calendar as default.
This seems like a bit of an oversight on Proton's part, given that the Family plan is pretty much ideal and implies families have generally been considered.
Em commented
I have the exact same issue with my spouse and anyone else I try to bring over to proton.
Noone is going to go through 3+ extra clicks for every event they schedule while out and about just to make sure something is saved to the correct calendar.
I very nearly had my spouse convinced on this service, but now that half their events are on a calender I can't see and they can't share, the whole idea of us having a shared calendar is basically not practical at all.
Em commented
Currently, sharing calenders is a premium feature. This seems fine at face value but creates critical issues with onboarding friends/family members to proton calendar.
The issue is thus:
I can have them make an account and share my calender with them.
Great, they can see my schedule now.
They use the app to schedule an event, it defaults to their only private calendar that they can't remove. I can't see this or plan around it, they also cannot share it without premium.The additional clicks for a new user to change the calander they are saving an event to (every single time they make any individual event) makes protoncalendar very confusing for new users that might not be tech savvy. This completely eliminates any point to persuading others to use the service as it's not easy to organise multiple peoples schedules together in one calendar.
Suggestion: Allow free users to set a paid user's shared calendar as their default calender for new events.