Automatic Update Alerts For New Entries In Shared Calendars
I am experiencing a challenge with Proton Calendar in our family's shared calendar setup. The current issue is the absence of automatic notifications when someone with edit access adds a new event. As it stands, my spouse and I manually notify each other after creating an entry, but this method is prone to human error. If one of us forgets to communicate, the only reminders we receive are through the calendar's default notifications.
To resolve this, I propose a feature enhancement where Proton Calendar automatically sends notifications to all participants of a shared calendar whenever a new event is added, modified, or deleted by any user with editing rights. This feature would ensure that all members are promptly and reliably informed of any changes, minimizing the risk of missed appointments or double bookings.
Roger commented
Please implement this!
After switching from iCloud to proton, I sorely miss this feature. -
notimpressif commented
very important feature!
Naomi commented
It would be even better, when I edit an existing event in a shared calendar, to be able to *choose* whether to notify the people I'm sharing the calendar with.
Similar to how google let's you choose whether to notify attendees when an event is edited.