Option for persistent notification pop-ups
Currently alert popups appear for a few seconds and then disappear.
Add setting to allow notification pop-ups to persist and accumulate. First one triggers at 9:00 and stays visible. Second one triggers at 9:30 and appears with the first one. Others added later as they trigger.
Act on them individually to dismiss, snooze, or edit. Also provide snooze all and dismiss all.
Whether all or individually, Snooze option offers a few standard durations, one of them a user-defined default which is editable.
Lew commented
Other requests in this system also ask for snooze. As of 12/15/24 this has 5 and the others have 53 and 12 votes for a total of 70.
I hope it grows to hundreds of votes, because I can't use alerts that I can't snooze. I really want to use Proton exclusively, but I have to keep using Thunderbird.
Karlstens commented
Notifications vary with the operating system. For Windows, I'd appreciate the notification to at least have the Calendar notes with clickable hyperlinks so I can follow through with whatever the event. Also, if I miss the notification, to still have it actionable via the Windows Notification Sidebar is a must (Windowskey + A).