Proton Tasks / To-Do List
Task/ To-Do List

Anonymous commented
I think a task/To-Do list would improve the calendar so much. I like working with the calendar, and be able to make a To-Do list would help a lot. Maybe something like the Google Calendar.
Desmond commented
This is a must. Without an integrated task list, the calendar is useless for me.
Christos Motsiopoulos commented
It is a must for me to continue!
Alex commented
This is key: "and you mark it as "Done" to archive it" (but probably keep it in the calendar) because you want to have a historical record of when you've completed a task (not simply deleting it).
Then, I would move off of Google calendar.
Radiate Heart commented
Seriously considering upgrading to a pro version of ProtonMail to consolidate all accounts, but would absolutely must have the ability for a tasks module to be integrated, be able to click a message from the list and add it tasks, set due dates, etc.
Jamie commented
+3, really, really, want this, very useful and I am sick to my back teeth, and back again to front teeth and then back again to back teeth (non-native speakers of English may not get this, sorry) of standard web privacy intrusive apps and companies. We never used to have this level of intrusion into our personal lives and I don't see why we have to suffer it now for some basic everyday functionality.
Proton, you do a great job, please implement this :) -
Anonymous commented
This combined with a proton calendar ios app would fill me with great joy
Anonymous commented
Task & reminder management coupled with events is the nucleus for effective time management. Kindly integrate this feature in a future iteration.
6gllion commented
Yes, please have the integration with Calendar, much like Google, but with improvements that they've failed to address, suchas being able to search your tasks in Calendar
jusgivithere commented
Add a feature to Proton Calendar that mimics the Google Tasks integration in Google Calendar. I want to be able to replace using Google services, have moved my email and drive usage to other services, including Proton, but I can't stop using Google Calendar, due to being able to easily drag and drop tasks from my task list into specific slots of time on the calendar. If I could do this in Proton Calendar, I would cease to be a Google customer.
Dago P commented
Please add the feature to create a Task from an Email and adding Date/Time to that Task so that it posts it in your Calendar with a link to the Email
Email A --> Task --> Add Date/Time --> Calendar
The Task shows up in your Calendar, on the Date/Time you chose, with a link to the originating Email
This would be an awesome productivity tool
hofyanosta commented
The ability to mark an event or task as "done" is very important.
Simply deleting the event makes all evidence of a task or date completely gone!
Neetsie commented
What a great idea!!! I am always having to add items to the next day cause I wasn't able to get to them. It takes a lot of time to type all that out. Or maybe a cut & paste option at least to move the item?
Anonymous commented
The same goes for me. Task management has become a must
Anonymous commented
great idea,
Kamil commented
An application or additional calendar function, analogous to Microsoft To Do
GM commented
Todoist projects may sync with one or more Google calendar. I can't use Proton calendar without such feature.
Sky commented
It would be nice to have list-view which shows the upcoming calendar events of the next 7 days (configurable) ordered by date and time.
If a calendar event could also be marked as complete it would then enable the user to use the calendar like a ToDo list.
For the mobile version it would be very useful to have a widget for the home-screen with this information.
Flood commented
What about a simple, little Task-Application which is possible to integrate with the Calendar? Like Google Tasks? Not a full-sized Tasks-App like MS To-Do or the like... just some kind of integrated tool which refers more to a task than a calendar date...
Anonymous commented
A to-do list you can add emails to. With tasks showing up in your calendar automatically on the day, you want them done.