Duo Plan (2 people)
1 user, 1 domain = 48€/year
If you need 2 users, 1 domain = 150€/year
Why a so big price increase when you need 2 users ? Could you have an better offer, for example at 70€/year. Seems more logical.
Best regards

Introducing Proton Duo: Unlimited privacy for two: https://proton.me/blog/proton-duo
Markus commented
Great, thanks!
T commented
Tried changing to Proton Duo but it isn't appearing when I go to "Explore other Proton plans"
Michel commented
Great 👍, thanks
Benjamin commented
Nice to see that there is now a Duo Plan, thanks for this !
But why limiting it to the "Unlimited" plan ?
In France, the "Mail Plus" subscription is 3.49e/month. Taking it for my wife and me costs 6.98e/month.
We don't need all the "Unlimited" features so paying 11.99e/month is not relevant... -
Arkim commented
Proton Ultimate Duo. We have Proton Ultimate and Ultimate Family, but nothing in between. One user is not enough, and six is way too much. Why can't we have a Proton Duo? It would be nice for partners who want to use Proton Ultimate, or maybe for two friends, etc.
Michel commented
I would like to onboard my wife on a Proton couple plan with integrated sharing functionalities for mail, calendar, drive and pass (as this perhaps already exists for the family plan). Don't need to double the amount of email addresses, calendars and VPN connections in the couple account than a unlimited account contains therefore.
Kimberly Snow commented
I would like to get Proton Ultimate for both my husband and I, but to share a domain I have to sign up for a family plan? Instead of paying $7.99 a month I have to pay $9.99 a month just to share a domain.
Mike Jar commented
cmon protonmail... do something!
it's valentines day, would love to have my wife with password manager but it's just the two of us, and we're not buying a family plan yet! -
Chad commented
They just need scaling plans. Basically, very similar to business plan, but for consumers: per user pricing, more users bigger the discount... got to make this work for families of all sizes after all (there are families of upwards of 12-16 children still)
ebb commented
The current family plan is a great deal if you really have 6 family members to use it, but it's actually more expensive than getting separate unlimited plans for two people. There should be another option, like Spotify's duo plan, that only covers 2 users with the same family management features but for a lower cost.
Baptiste commented
Your familiy plan is great but 6 accounts is too much for most people (as an example, average family in the US and EU is 4).It would be very good to have, in addition to your existing plan a DUO plan to have 2 PRO accounts for family with no or too young children.
Pascal commented
Looking for a mix between plus and unlimited for a couple
Benjamin commented
Family plan is too much for two, and having two subscriptions is not efficient -
Pieter commented
I really miss this feature, it would be nice if there was a duo plan!
Paul commented
I see a flood of comments echoing this same sentiment. Many of your users (me included) feel misled and ripped off on Proton Unlimited, we thought we were paying (24 months in my case) for a service with multiple accounts (especially couples, husband & wife etc) when in fact it's just a bunch of aliases effectively for one person / login. There is clear community demand for a couple-focussed plan. Family plan doesn't cut it for a couple as it's nearly triple the price of an individual plan. Please address this urgently.
To clarify what I'm asking for, something like a plan (eg. $11.99 per month / 24 months = 150% of the cost of Proton Unlimited / single user plan) including VPN (shared / multiple devices), Mail (two separate and independent addresses and logins), Calendar (option to share common or use individual calendars, or both) and Drive would be great. -
ohoh commented
I really don't get the family plan, it excludes so many other scenarios for multiple people using the service together.
All it took was a plan with one person as the main account and the ability to add more accounts for a discounted price. -
Fernando B commented
I've read several interesting suggestions here, but sorry if I missed someone else proposing a "Family Plan" but for 2 😅I believe that many couples may have one of the two that is more privacy concerned while the other doesn't totally care and follows the lead. But sometimes 2 Protons plans can be a but expensive. A Duo Plan could have some products shared, like Drive and Pass, including features that allow each one to keep some privacy (Drive sharing the disk space and easy collaboration inside the Duo plan, while Pass could have something like 1password with 2 vaults inside the same account, each vault has its own container and credentials)
Markus Morén commented
The use case for a family is not on the same level as professional, less features are needed and usually only one domain. Paying per user for the same kind as plus account would make a lot more sense.
Sergey Parhomenko commented
I believe the request could be rephrased better, as most commenters aren't looking for a cheaper multi-user plan, but a family plan. The website recommends Visionary, which seems to be a great option for enthusiastic supporters and power users, but for a typical 2-3 member household ends up being more expensive than the business-oriented Professional.
It's also interesting timing: Google Workspace just abandoned G Suite legacy subscription (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/01/google-tells-free-g-suite-users-pay-up-or-lose-your-account/) used by many families. Customers will have to choose between Business Starter ($6+tax per user) and alternatives with a better privacy record. Paying $20-30 for Visionary with its bundle of unneeded features (VPN, more users, storage, domains, addresses, folders and labels than your family is likely to ever need) is too much of a jump. Professional is a better fit at $5-8 per user, but it is still significantly more expensive than Tutanota Premium for €1-5. A more flexible option or even a one-off promotion could tip the scales in favour of ProtonMail.
One thing to emphasize: please don't see this request as 'whining to get a top-notch service without paying' to paraphrase a previous commenter. ProtonMail is fantastic, paying for high-quality privacy software makes absolute sense and your pricing options are generally quite reasonable. A more flexible family plan however would still help some of us to commit to ProtonMail.
Nikolai Grigoriev commented
I had a similar concern and even contacted Protonmail to confirm that I do understand their pricing correctly. Indeed, for a family with 3-4 members it is expensive. With all respect to the programmers....but 16 EUR/month for 4 accounts (assuming 4 EUR by 4 people)...that's actually a quarter of my total high-speed internet bill. 4 tutanota users with 10Gb shared space would be 7.20 EUR / month, less than half. I think Protonmail is probably missing a part of the market...