Paid plans should provide option to hide promotional ads
Option to hide promotions / ads for proton. Would probably need to be a paid feature. For me the main appeal of protonmail is the lack of ads based on by my emails, lack of calendar events auto created based on my emails, and lack of ads in the interface. I consider the button that says "Get Proton Family" to be an ad.
Zane Attahri commented
I just got a paid account, and I find it very unnerving that even after I decided to pay, your products are all still aggressively trying to convince me to upgrade to the highest plan, regardless of my needs.
I don't understand how someone may think that the first thing I want to see when I open my settings is a pseudo-dashboard which is more of a shameless ad than a highway billboard. In other first, the first interaction the settings provides users with zero value.
I find these practices counter to the spirit of the Proton brand, and as a newly paying user, I can't hide my disappointment, especially since the products on their own work as advertised and are to my satisfaction.
Stephen commented
What is really annoying is that every time you refresh the page to see if you have additional emails these banner ads keep reappearing. A once/month reminder is sufficient. Protonmail users know they have the ability to upgrade. These constant reminders distract me from the work I need to do.
Stephen commented
If these ads are to continue perhaps they should be limited to the first day of the month (better yet annually...)
Stephen commented
These ads are REALLY ANNOYING! Yes, I know I can click away and the ad disappears but why should this require effort on my part? I realize there is an option to upgrade, etc. but I do not want these ads. This is precisely why I changed from Outlook to ProtonMail.
Thank you,
Magnus commented
Yes. I fully accept upgrade ads when I am the free version. But I plan on subscribing soon, and I definitely don't want to see them repeatedly then. If there's an offer for something better, send me a single email.
B. commented
Absolutely agree, have unlimited and do not want to upgrade to family. Would be nice to have the option to turn off notification of 'storage at X % of total' within account settings, not just per visit (if cookies are auto deleted the option currently in place not sufficient).
Erwan Georget commented
You can remove it by opening the ad an click on a button (something like "do not show me this offer", I don't remember the exact wording).
But it would be greate to just have a "dismiss button" on the main UI.
Erwan Georget commented
You already can. Open the "ad", and there is a button to switch it off on the bottom left.
B commented
Regarding the rather large and significant Get Proton Family button on the main UI, I understand it's significant promotional material for one of your features. However it's still in the way an a rather annoying part of the UI, as a Mail Plus member I'd like to have the ability to dismiss it entirely, I already pay for subscription and do not want to see the button.
Anonymous commented
I absolutely agree with this! I have had Proton Unlimited for two days, and the "Get Proton Family" ad is already starting to be really annoying.
Edit: I see that you can remove it if you click the button and then click the text that says something similar to "Don't show this again".
Maynard commented
This button is an ad in my inbox I can't get rid of. How annoying. Proton, respect your user's preferences and allow us to remove this useless button that only benefits you and does nothing for your users.
Ivan commented
We get it, it's a good promo but let us to remove this button from the UI. It has a bright color and it's competitive against other more important buttons in the UI. It uses the same color as the button "New message". It does not make sense to give this super high level of prominence to a promotion button, even worst is not possible to close/remove.
Please keep a clean and functional UI for one of your greatest products.
Brent commented
I try to ignore the little purple banner, but it annoys me too. I don't mind an initial offer, or even an occasional reminder, but especially as a paying customer, I shouldn't have to see the frickin thing every time I login.
A2n commented
Same for the "special offer" button, I have Unlimited too, but this button is show anyway
Mark Watson commented
I subscribe to Proton Unlimited, I don't want to upgrade, and after seeing the advertisement a few dozen times it is starting to annoy me.
Mark -
Gerald commented
Remove special offer button from my screen it mess up my work flow and I find it very intrusive. It is in front center of my screen and it is highlight. I am paying for Protonmail to avoid ads. If you can at least put it on a place where you don't have it in your face like that that could work like at the bottom of the right panel. It is enough of a deal breaker for me that I will cancel my subscription. I use protonmail for my business and I don't want to be bother but those stupide sales when I am at work. Hope you guys understand. The only way to get rid of the special offer is to get the deal. I hate when a company try to force me to buy stuff I don't want.
jaguima commented
Do not show huge ad popups for Proton products.
This morning I opened Proton Mail on my browser and I was greeted by a huge ad for another Proton plan, even though I'm already a paying customer.You can't praise yourselves for removing ad trackers from emails while showing disruptive ads yourselves. Not even other free email services like Gmail do that.
Darrell commented
I am annoyed that I see frequent ads for ProtonMail and VPN even though I'm paying for the former. Every other app I can think of removes ads for paid accounts.
At the very least offer the option of removing the ads for $10 or something.
ProtonMail User commented
I already pay a lot to use your services so it annoys me when you also push essentially ads within the mail interface. I don't mind the occasional newsletter but a permanent 'Special Offer' button to me isn't really cool.
patrice hasta commented
The amount of advertisement for "offers" questions whether protonmail is more interested by making money than providing a convenient and performant sevice. We should at least be able to disable it by opting out.