Proton mobile operating system (OS)
I want to see Proton tie up with mobile manufacturers to create their own mobile operating system thus giving stiff competition to google and apple.

Saar commented
I think it's better to focus on laying the ground work for other projects. For instance, getting a collaboration with a Android distro team or simply forking a project.
The problem with this, though, is that making sure a distro is actually more secure is a lot of work. They also have to know that they can trust the dev team so that the end-product is something they can put the Proton name by.
Building an OS from the ground up, however, is a daunting task that is not realistic at this point. No matter how cool it could be.
Having said that, I'd rather have a better Android OS than something all new that would require every app maker to make a new version. It's just not feasable and it wouldn't do much for "privacy for the masses". They focus on making mainstream alternatives that happen to be secure and private. You don't need to start an OS development project (that will likely fail and be highly costly) to achieve this.
Darkwebs Vampire commented
share any ideas that are not product specific -
Anonymous commented
Please don't waste resources on something that already exists elsewhere.
אברהם צבאן commented
Too much work would be needed.
You can just use degoogled AOSP-based system (LineageOS or /e/ for example). -
Anonymous commented
I think this is a very unrealistic and very time consuming request and that Proton shouldn't focus on creating such a complex application. There are already many different unpopular alternatives to Android and ios such as Pure os and Lineage os.
NottheMomma commented
This is my 2 cents, I don't think I'm right or wrong. Just my opinion:
If Proton were to either take the AOSP and add proton features to it like their mail, calendar, drive, etc etc, add something like F-Droid for the app the store, or partner up with someone like LineageOS who'd do most of the heavy lifting on that side. Also I didn't know this, but based on the comment below, remove the Google Play Services reliance for notifications. This would be a monumental thing to do, and I do not expect them to do this as much as I can hope. But if they did, well i might have to find a phone that is easy to swap the OS out on just for this. -
Anonymous commented
There are plenty of open source operating systems available. Therefore it's not a good idea for Proton to waste time writing another one.
ProtonMail is perpetuating the problem by using Google Play Services (GPS) for notifications. I've degoogled my phone by installing LineageOS without any gapps but ProtonMail requires GPS to push notifications.
I'm going to switch to Tutanota until Proton fix this reliance on Google Services.
Anonymous commented
A de-Googled version of Android (like /e/) would be an excellent starting point. A linux kernel, chopped and channelled and well armoured, at any rate, I think would fit well, not just in terms of proven performance, but also in shortened time to deploy.
Anonymous commented
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Oliver Huber commented
in my opinion it would be cool using an alternative OS ( as a bare metal system while the rest is containerized. in this situation any app can be controlled by the user. for example: what is my app doing (traffic analysis), acces to GPS/microphone/cam can be controlled by the bare metal OS and so on...
just an idea :) -
Archlinuxuser commented
An entire operating system is probably difficult to implement because there are many devices, each with its own specific requirements. There are already privacy oriented mobile operating systems, but they are only available on a small number of devices and only a few people are using them. ios and android are (unfortunately) the most common mobile operating systems.
As an idea: Use a device that is as open source as possible.
Anonymous commented
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Anonymous commented
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Anonymous commented
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Anonymous commented
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Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
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Anonymous commented
I use Linux on everything... except for my cell phone right now.
But I keep watching the Linux based cell phones.
Btw, I don’t like Android so it would not be my first choice, and I prefer to wait until I can get a Linux version like the Pinephone for example -
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Anonymous commented
While this would be a larger undertaking than development of individuals applications, having a Proton OS which could be deployed on mobile devices is likely to be a really effective approach to addressing a number of issues which are difficult to resolve in any other manner.
It is so hard to have visibility over what tech companies do with our data today and as they all largely treat data in the same manner, the options are either to adopt technology and be exploited or opt out altogether. As devices that are carried with us most of the time, mobile phones have the onboard capabilities required to capture a wealth of information on us.
While the Proton suite gives people options to protect their privacy, having these apps deployed on an operating system owned by the Googles of the world means that keys are still being secured through Android KeyStore and its analogues to which these companies would conceivably have access. Without securing the foundation on which the apps are stored at the OS layer, it is difficult to properly protect the information on the device.