Proton Family pricing options
I'm happy to see the newly released Proton Family plan! I've been waiting around for something like this for a while. However, I don't really need to support 6 users in my small family. Can we instead get pricing per member? The current pricing is about 3.33 USD per member per month, at 19.99 USD per month if you get the 2 year plan. How about flexible pricing: 2 members = 4.99 USD each, 3 members = 4.49 USD each, 4 members = 3.99 USD each, 5 members = 3.49 USD each, 6 members 3.33 USD each.

418265876714 commented
It would also be nice to extend the Proton Family options for more than 6 users (up to 10 or 12 accounts), as we have 5 children (admittedly still young) but we'll all need to join Proton Family later on. It could even be useful for other family members. There are small families and there are large families, it would be great to consider everyone. Thank you, everyone! -
Proton User commented
The family plan is definitely pricey to the average person, and needs more flexibility in terms of users. I won't upgrade - despite need - due to the cost when I consider our family size. Families come in all different sizes and there's absolutely no question we need to be able to customize this. A fixed size, yes that includes the Duo plan for couples, doesn't offer enough flexibility.
I would however hate to see storage decreased in any way. When you're looking at using more than simply email you can run through that space very quickly - especially when you consider the ability to backup your phone's photos to Drive. I take around 5000 high quality photos a year and am thrilled to have a private place to back them up!
Manik commented
Look at flexible pricing by market, as in some markets the purchase parity is lower but people still wish to use the apps, and $20 is very high. You could do a lower version if someone buys directly in web than on app stores where you don't pay any commission like X has done, and you can also add subscription based on number of people
Rob van der Velden commented
Totally agree.
I leave that to Proton about pricing.
All options per additional person can be kept lower. -
Oliver Förster commented
Proton Duo, please.
Rob van der Velden commented
Dear Proton,
I have been using Proton (Mail, VPN, Calendar, Drive and Pass) for >2 years with complete satisfaction.
Considering expanding the account from Proton Unlimited to Proton Family.
The switch is too much for our family financially and in terms of expanded functions.
Not all families consist of more than two people.
In my case, our family consists of two persons. There are and will be no additional family members. We are a bit older together.
This is the reason for my question or idea that a customized subscription is also possible, such as Proton Family, but as Proton Family (C). The C stands for customization.I'm curious what Proton thinks about this.
Rob -
Maciej commented
It's super important for me too, I need 2 or 3 users, not 6....
gk23vj5 commented
I agree with this!
I have an unlimited account where I don't use a few of the apps already, but I love what Proton stands for and keep Unlimited, however paying 20 dollars a month for me and my partner using a select number of those services is a bit too much for me as well. -
CC commented
Yes, pleeeeease!
We just do not need a plan for 6 accounts, never mind the fact that we cannot afford it. The discount offered for a 24-month period still means we'd have to pay almost 500€ at once which is just not an option. -
C Allen commented
I totally agree with you!
Furthermore, the monthly fee is way too expensive. For those of us in poor households, we can't afford $176 (CAD) per year for the so-called "deal". If the price were $10 per month (on a per month basis), that's a pill I might be willing to swallow. Even so, that comes out to $14 CAD per month.
Blayde S commented
My wife and I are considering the full switch to Proton but the main thing holding us back is that we don't need to nor want to pay for up to 6 accounts just to have the family plan. It would be great to have a family plan option for those whose family consists of only one other person.
xavier roig commented
We are a family of 4, with two kids aged 10 and 12.
I care deeply about the privacy and safety of my family, reason why I purchased proton Family early on, so my kids could have a proton email account right at the beginning of their digital life.
I love all the features of the Family plan but 2: the disproportionate amount of storage provided, and the price.
Storage: WE ARE NEVER GOING TO USE 3TB of data ... NEVER. 250GB between the 4 of us would provably suffice for life (we don't store our data on the cloud)
Price: The price is very elevated for young families, specially when paying for a storage capacity that will never be used.
Solution: It would be great if you could create a Family Lite plan of sorts, with say, 250GB combined storage and 4 accounts instead. All that with a much lower price tag. Right now it's 20-30EUR month: how about 10-15 EUR instead?
I truly hope you can implement such request, as judging by the state of today's economy and family finances, I don't know if I'll be able to fork out another 480EUR (2y) on the next renewal.
Only wealthy families can afford these prices. How about making it more available to average family? I don't think it's too much to ask.
Anyone else agree?
Much appreciated.
Sponsi commented
Yeah, pathetic.
If they don't change their policies, this is my last year with Proton.Also, they don't allow prologing accounts with promo sales!
Pavel K commented
Is it possible to share one Family Plan between two families - having less than 6 users in sum?
Ad' commented
-- EN --
As we say: "When it's free, you are the product"! which makes me feel fine for paid plans, and support Proton.
However, the current Proton Unlimited and Family packs are very expensive (most likely because of the cloud storage), which makes embracing privacy very costly:
500M on free protonmail is too short for a main mail usage, 500G in unlimited is a lot for a single user, and same for the 3T (500Gx6 users) of Family.
Many (most?) users don't need that many GB/TB, and/or rather prefer to subscribe to a more limited storage offer at a most resonable price for the packs, to still benefit from each Proton features; i.e 100-150G Unlimited / 600-~1T Family? Or option to fine grade prices for 100/200/300/etc GB of storage?
That would open the current packs and features to much more people, such as small families (couple, couple with 1 or 2 kids only), people with limited budgets, etc.-- FR --
Comme on dit: "Quand c'est gratuit, c'est vous le produit"! ce qui ne me dérange pas de souscrire à des formules payantes, et soutenir Proton.
Cependant, les packs Proton Unlimited et Famille sont très coûteuses (très certainement à cause du stockage Cloud), rendant l'accès à la Privacy très cher:
500M en compte gratuit protonmail est légé pour un usage d'email principal, 500G en Unlimited est beaucoup pour un seul utilisateur, et pareil l'offre Famille à 3T (500Gx6 utilisateurs).
Beaucoup (la plupart?) des utilisateurs n'ont pas besoin d'autant de Go/To, et/ou préféreraient souscricre à une offre plus limité en terme de stockage, à un prix plus accessible, pour malgré tout bénéficier de chaque fonctionnalités Proton; ex: 100-150G Unlimited / 600-~1T Family? Ou un option plus fine de prix par palier pour 100/200/300/etc GB ?
Cela permettrait ainsi de rendre ces packs et fonctionnalités accessible à bien plus de personne, comme des petits foyers (couple, couple avec 1 à 2 enfants), des personnes avec des budgets plus limités, etc. -
The Holocron commented
Also in favor of this. It's a common issue among most online service providers however and I wish it would change.
Spencer commented
The current family plan is too expensive and too big for many households. Offer should offer something a bit smaller that would help you better segment the family market, for example:
Proton small family
Up to 4 users
2TB storage
48 email addresses
7 high speed VPN
12 Calendars
12 vaults
$14.99 a month
David Garcia commented
This is not only a Family Plan issue. I am paying for a Visionary plan (including six users, but we are only two people) and facing the same problem.
1. It seems "necessary" (not to say "imperative") to find a balance for cases where families or users don't need six accounts but one or two, and also those requiring more than only six.
2. The "main" reasons to upgrade to Family or Visionary are the extra storage space and the ability to manage subscriptions from a single account. I prefer much more adjusted pricing (per user) with the option to buy extra space if needed (which might not be the case for everyone, and they want to stay within the default limits).
Beware of undesired changes: making pricing adjustments doesn't mean dropping features. We are paying for higher plans and only suggesting a pricing review.
Houbrechts commented
really not a good deal at the moment. So please make it more flexible
Kyle Slinn commented
I do not support this. The existing family plan is price competitive with competitors, and immediately is a good deal within the Proton ecosystem if you have more than 2 users.