DuckDuckGo browser extension
Add/Create extension to DuckDuckGo browser
Nick commented
either create an extension for duckduckgo, or create a Proton browser :-)
Jennifer Krauel commented
I’m trying to switch to all the proton apps, and want use proton pass from within the duck duck go browser. This seems like a pretty obvious fit and I’d love to ditch firefox.
Anonymous commented
I want to use Duck Duck Go as a secure browser for my web access. Having Proton Pass as an extension would create a more secure, friction free browsing experience.
anônimo commented
Seria importante criar a extensão para importar senhas do duckduckgo, ele é um bom navegador no quesito privacidade
CC commented
I am trying to get away from Google, Edge and other heavily tracked browsers so I would love to have the proton pass extension for DuckDuck Go to save passwords.
Jon Kelly commented
I want to switch to DDG but cant because my PW's are not available. Not sure that DDG supports plugins but is there a solution?
Pass User commented
I use proton plus exclusively now and would really like it to work with DuckDuckGo browser.
michaelrlandis commented
I have to switch applications to get my passwords when using DuckDuckGo.
Pierre commented
Duckduckgo has the reputation to be a secure and privacy aware web browser. It. would be very useful to be able to use ProtonPass as an extension to this browser.
Thanks in advance. -
gary gwilliam commented
Finding safe ways to use, navigate through, and around the internet, gets more challenging as the days go forward. Using Browsers that are not Google, or Microsoft based is essential for personal security, and sites like Brave, Firefox, and Duckduckgo provide options that the big 2 do not. When I run Duckduckgo through my Proton VPN though, so much of my info is blocked, and interferes with my productivity.
If Proton does not want to create an extension for browsers like I mentioned, then allow an option in settings for users to create a gateway and path (within the Proton VPN settings) that allows users to have full function of the browser(s) they choose, and with no liability to Proton for users settings creating a breach.
Rupert commented
yes, please add it! DDG & Proton are a great combination!
Sandra Duiker commented
The perfect union of secure browser and a PW manager
Pat Baker commented
Please make this available on duckduckgo!
bigbills commented
Add it!!
Forged commented
Same request here (please combine the requests to increase the power of the votes): -
Forged commented
Same request here - please combine to increase the power of the votes: -
Ian commented
I agree with Elvind but I would add another please or two. I feel way safer using DDG than Firefox but at the moment I have to switch over to Firefox when I need to log in and use Proton Pass (like I just had to do just now ... sigh ...)
Eivind commented
Please make proton pass compatible with duckduckgo browser.
Its a good alternative to the commercial ones and appears to be right up the alley of protonwith privacy in mind. -
Brook Hammond commented
DuckDuckGo is all about privacy (as is proton). Seems like a no-brainer to have the plug-in for the browser. Thanks...
pat commented
I would like proton pass to work with "duck duck go" browser also. I could be mistaken but i believe the "duck duck go" browser has to be changed to allow browser extensions before proton can build a compatible extension. I believe "duck duck go" do plan to add this in a future update.