(at least 25mb) to logins and notes
In bitwarden we can attach (up to 500mb) files to login items, which is helpful if you want to capture screen shots for settings, restoration keys, or even evidence. Also helpful for things like optical prescriptions.
Attachments is the ONE missing feature preventing me from fulling moving into PP from Bitwarden.

Sienks commented
Attachments to credentials are critical, although its probably better to allow for slightly larger attachments as outlined here: this way we fulfill everyone's use-case . The size of the attachment could be deducted against the total data available for the entire proton account as is already done with protonmail and protonpass using the same data pool.
If you think about it this and the link I posted above are really the same feature request which is 'attachments' meaning this request currently has about 650 votes.
Was going to post this mysefl, have 3 of my votes sir!
even if the storage counts against mail and drive. certin things make more sense to be an attachment alongside the login record in a password manager instead of a losse folder in cloud storage. -
Manuel B commented
I also think this is a nice idea (can also be integrated with drive in someway). However, I currently use keepass and have certain certificates with related credentials stored in my password manager. It seems cumbersome to store such files independently from the credentials (having to come up with a specific folder structure just for this)
Martin Kiehne commented
Since the attached files typically contain sensitive information, it would be desirable to have them secured with the proton pass PIN.
Also, they would be automatically shared when stored in a shared vault. -
Dominik Brack commented
Also what is preventing me from switching over from 1password. I store important PDF, license/ssh keys in there. I hope this will be supported very soon. Size should also not be limited to just 1MB, at least not if I have a premium account. Sometimes high-res pictures or PDF files can get 5MB quickly.
Seth commented
This would be extremely useful in instances for IDs too. Think Passports, Licenses, etc
- commented
Big support
Allard S commented
+1 can't switch without the option to store attachment.
For instance encrypted files with seed phrases of Crypto Wallets!
Kenson M. commented
If they don't want to add direct attachments, an alternative could be linking it to a Proton Drive folder or file?
Mark commented
I use Bitwarden, and I feel this feature has very limited value as there is currently no good way to backup/export and restore/import attachments. The attachment is only useful in Bitwarden if you don't need to worry about getting locked-out of your account, Bitwarden going down or being blocked, and never having a good way to consider moving to another password manager. Such a feature in Proton Pass would probably have the same shortcomings.
I believe a better way to handle this is to store your important files on Proton Drive or another secure storage provider, or even your NAS, and have a field in Pass with a link to the desired file or folder.
Nuno Dias commented
Please allow to upload small documents do Proton Pass.
I have some files with backup codes, bank cards, identity cards and other important documents. Anything we may want to keep with us at all times but don't wish to carry physical paper.
Will be good to also be able to associate the document to a given entry. Example, a github login that contains a text file with a list of recovery codes.
Shannon commented
I was using 1Password to manage things like passport details, credit/debit card details, driving licence details, etcetera – including images of each of the above. I recently migrated to Proton and it's incredibly frustrating that I can't do the same.
Phil commented
+1, this is critical for me to really use "notes" in proton pass
Kev commented
Proton Pass' inability to support file attachments is why I just renewed my Keeper Password Manager subscription -- I would love to eliminate that expense, since I pay (a not-insignificant amount) for a Proton Unlimited account.
I have plenty of room in Proton Drive. It seems like integration between the two would be a sensible approach.
[Example Use Cases:
I have an uploaded photo of my health insurance card stored with my health insurance provider account login credentials.
I have a PDF of my proof of auto insurance stored with my login credentials for my auto insurance provider.] -
Craig commented
Definitely agree. I'd like to attach small text files for keys/backup codes etc. I understand I can paste in a text field but it doesn't copy to clipboard when you select it.
BlL commented
it could also be an integration with Drive.
Link files from Drive would be very nice. -
Mpice commented
In secure notes that we set in Proton pass should be useful add some small files (as text files) or some images, as QR codes for 2FA authentication or other information. Thanks
Walski commented
I'd like the option to store a photo, i.e. from my ID card or driver license.
JStar commented
mentioned this in the ProtonPass SubReddit as well - it is the ONE feature that's preventing me from making a full migration from Bitwarden. Suggest matching Bitwarden's file size limit if possible, at least all 10MB to capture screen clips and other small items.
Raf Rol commented
Enpass user here.
I frequently attach photos/screenshots of backup codes, ID cards, prescriptions, etc.