Support Monero
Currently the wallet only supports Bitcoin. Please add support to a more privacy oriented blockchain. Monero seems to be the recommended.

Hi everyone,
For our thoughts on Monero, check out our Bitcoin deep dive with Seth on the latest Opt Out podcast:
filmapp commented
FilmAppAPK allows you to enjoy a huge selection of movies and TV shows on your phone. Watch in high quality with a smooth, fast, and easy-to-navigate app interface. -
hackers300112 commented
Yeah Monero!
Muhammad Ahmad commented
Supporting Monero is a great way to promote privacy and decentralization in the world of cryptocurrency! After staying updated on the latest in crypto, relax with some top-notch films on Film App—streaming your favorite movies with ease. -
Negario99 commented
If you want to actually improve privacy 'just' add Lightning with Bolt12 (already in LDK).
Stuff like monero cannot provide good privacy and the users lack fundamental understanding of how privacy in payment systems works. In addition, these tokens have questionable premines and regular hard forks, so they aren't even censorship resistant. They will go away again as soon as a new fancy marketing coin shows up but bitcoin is designed forever.
If any shitcoins get added to Proton Wallet I'd be unable to recommend it anymore and would be quite disappointed. -
MRB commented
With privacy being the cornerstone of Proton’s mission, I would abandon ship immediately if they compromised it by catering to shitcoin bagholders.
XMR is by no means more private, given its paper-thin order book for swaps compared to a well-executed CoinJoin. Stop shilling trash—we’re fixing the money. Shitcoins lack fundamentals and, therefore, a future. Winner takes all—go barter elsewhere! -
NaN commented
Guys, I'm leaving Proton and joining Gmail because of, you know, of course, the network effect. If Proton someday replaces Gmail as the largest community, I'll consider Proton Mail.
Owen Dean commented
Being that every transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain is logged, it seems counterintuitive to be a "privacy-oriented" company, but not having any support for the biggest private cryptocurrency. Your company preaches "listening to your community" but whenever your community wants a change or feature added you respond with a link to an hour-long podcast that essentially says "we don't think Monero is good enough."
That is simply unacceptable.
We expect better out of your company. We chose you because you are trying to do something different, something better. But you have got to listen to your users.I really want to be able to use the wallet, but I don't feel comfortable using bitcoin, especially since most of the organizations/communities I'm using crypto for much prefer Monero (and some even require it). Just listen, guys.
Pal commented
Don't see the point of a privacy-focused wallet that doesn't support Monero.
Randolph Stanovich commented
Add Monero and FIRO:
Fabio commented
Monero has better privacy built in, but it has two critical flaws in my eyes:
- XMR supply: unknown
- XMR security: can be 51% attacked at any time by any large corporation
These two factors alone don't make it feasable as a currency for me. I really think we should build privacy solutions on Bitcoin, some (like CoinJoin and Lightning) are very promising already today. I'm sure Proton will find ways to improve both privacy and usability of bitcoin transactions -
Paprisake Surh commented
Yeah please do it asap
No only do we need to be able to to buy, send and receive XMR we need to be able to to pay for proton with it!
uservoice commented
Monero's afaik the most private crypto out there.
Token Rider commented
Monero is under scrutiny from the government. It’s tokenomics are not acceptable for real world use.
Judith Lyx commented
Lets be clear, if you guys want to focus on privacy, BTC is not a choice since is a privacy nightmare... in the other hand Monero (XMR) is just best and plenty of privacy services uses it since knows how useful it is.
protonSuggestions commented
I find it quite baffling that Proton started with BitCoin as it is *not even close* to Monero in terms of being usable as a currency/cash replacement
Paprisake Surh commented
Yeah Monero is the Privacy Friendly Coin so it is a must for Proton Wallet
Proton User commented
As a Visionary supporter, I find Monero support to be essential and aligned with Proton's mission
trader mu commented
Proton is a privacy company. Bitcoin is great, but without the expansion in to storage of privacy coins, I see it as a useless edition. Monero (or XMR) should absolutely be supported. Additionally, a built in crypto swap (plenty of non-kyc swaps that respect privacy with APIs) to change BTC to XMR or vice versa would be excellent.
With this, “CoinJoin” would be a needed edition to the wallet for BTC to improve privacy.
Eventual ETH and SOL blockchain support as well as USDT and USDC would be nice. Make this project a privacy-centric, open source Proton ran “Exodus” wallet with extra features. Maybe even staking?
Right now, this is a shell of a wallet. It’s an amazing start, but it needs far more to be my primary wallet.
Also, please focus on Proton Office eventually. ;)
Percival779 commented
Monero would be a great addition to Proton Wallet. It's one of the only cryptocurrencies that isn't just a speculative asset, and it is much more private by design. I would use my wallet far more if Monero is added.