Currently the family package is starting at 6 users.
A family doen't start at 6 but at 2 :)
So, it is really an expensive cost to pay for 6 users when you are only 2 or 3 family members for example.
I would suggest to reduce this price by reducing the minimum of family users.
And then, we could be able to add family members as soon as the family is growing and children will be able to use emails.
Currently the family package is starting at 6 users.
A family doen't start at 6 but at 2 :)
So, it is really an expensive cost to pay for 6 users when you are only 2 or 3 family members for example.
I would suggest to reduce this price by reducing the minimum of family users.
And then, we could be able to add family members as soon as the family is growing and children will be able to use emails.