Please make a Linux client for your Drive a priority. I am a paying client and Linux has been my daily driver for 20 years. At the very least some limited integration for Linux in a sane way, i.e. CLI tool; leverage built-in mounted remote drives; just an electron app of your webapp in flatpak/snap; or even work with a company like insync ( - I know it's not foss, but I did write "at the very least", not "ideally"). Any solution that wouldn't require me to work with my files via the browser, and download them locally - it's a mess and a hassle.
Please make a Linux client for your Drive a priority. I am a paying client and Linux has been my daily driver for 20 years. At the very least some limited integration for Linux in a sane way, i.e. CLI tool; leverage built-in mounted remote drives; just an electron app of your webapp in flatpak/snap; or even work with a company like insync ( - I know it's not foss, but I did write "at the very least", not "ideally"). Any solution that wouldn't require me to work with my files via the browser, and download them locally - it's a mess and a hassle.