another long time proton unlimited here. i recently boycotted everything evil i had enough of; Microsoft, Apple, Google, Steam and more. i was really happy to see i could have a proton vpn app in linux because if i couldnt i would have had to use the firefox app and my invizbox to get any use of their vpn service, which isn't exactly great.. i use drive ALOT, it's my second most important proton app after mail ofc, and i really think the proton team should stand by their fight for privacy and therefore also prioritize linux users over any of the other evil corps. heck, proton should make their own linux distro to really flip off all their competition :\ or start a co-op with one of the big brands to share some of the workload. all proton users are security oriented, that's why we don't migrate to say nordvpn who offers faster solutions. why this is not prioritized is baffeling when they have made apps for all the other services they offer? even calendar..
is the reason it's not prioritized the complexity of the code or is it just because they don't see the value, that's what i'm left wondering here
EDIT: i'll be trying to run the windows app through wine or the android app through anbox and see if that works for now. if it works i guess i'll be supporting evil corp for a little while longer
another long time proton unlimited here. i recently boycotted everything evil i had enough of; Microsoft, Apple, Google, Steam and more. i was really happy to see i could have a proton vpn app in linux because if i couldnt i would have had to use the firefox app and my invizbox to get any use of their vpn service, which isn't exactly great.. i use drive ALOT, it's my second most important proton app after mail ofc, and i really think the proton team should stand by their fight for privacy and therefore also prioritize linux users over any of the other evil corps. heck, proton should make their own linux distro to really flip off all their competition :\ or start a co-op with one of the big brands to share some of the workload. all proton users are security oriented, that's why we don't migrate to say nordvpn who offers faster solutions. why this is not prioritized is baffeling when they have made apps for all the other services they offer? even calendar..
is the reason it's not prioritized the complexity of the code or is it just because they don't see the value, that's what i'm left wondering here
EDIT: i'll be trying to run the windows app through wine or the android app through anbox and see if that works for now. if it works i guess i'll be supporting evil corp for a little while longer