I'd like to see a Web ID (and maybe name too) so that html TEXT tags could be prefilled with the data you specify. Eg for some sites I visit, they require a client id and a user id as well as the password. ProtonPass currently only fills in the "Client ID" and password and leaves out the "User ID" field. I thought that the "+ Add more" option in edit that allows you to add a named field and text would be used to prefill the ID attribute in the TEXT tag, but unfortunately it doesn't.
By extending this option to have an ID and NAME attribute (and probably a "don't fill" option too) then when I clikc on the entry for the site, it could prefill all 3 fields instead of just 2. Im happy to look through the HTML to locate the text fields needed.
I'd like to see a Web ID (and maybe name too) so that html TEXT tags could be prefilled with the data you specify. Eg for some sites I visit, they require a client id and a user id as well as the password. ProtonPass currently only fills in the "Client ID" and password and leaves out the "User ID" field. I thought that the "+ Add more" option in edit that allows you to add a named field and text would be used to prefill the ID attribute in the TEXT tag, but unfortunately it doesn't.
By extending this option to have an ID and NAME attribute (and probably a "don't fill" option too) then when I clikc on the entry for the site, it could prefill all 3 fields instead of just 2. Im happy to look through the HTML to locate the text fields needed.