Additional vault item types
Since I'm honestly too lazy to create multiple ideas I'll just post them as one, sonce they all are just different types or options of item types which should definitely be usable in proton pass, apart from log-ins, notes and the three other options:
1. Item types:
• Bank account
○ Bank name
• Passkeys
• Identity incl.
○ Name
○ Surname
○ Middle name
○ Initial
○ Short name
○ Instagram name
○ Gender
○ Title
○ Birth date
○ Birth place
○ State
○ Company
○ Phone
○ Mobile phone
○ Address
○ Job title
• E-Mail addresses incl. application passwords
• Companies
• Wifi/Router data
• ID Card
• File upload (e.g. for tax certificates)
• Tax Number
• Tax ID
• Driver licence
2. Options for every Login item:
• Groups (should also be pickable/generatable directly when saving a new login)
• Tags (should also be pickable/generatable directly when saving a new login)
• Subdomain on/off switch (should also be pickable/generatable directly when saving a new login)
• Multiple log ins (Usernames and E-Mail) (should also be pickable/generatable directly when saving a new login)
3. Options under every item type:
• Custom fields with individually pickable custom names (Example: Field name: testfield, Value: test)
○ Text
○ Date
○ Address
○ One Time Password
○ 2FA Backup
○ Application Password
Custom sections to divide the custom fields

Maze Tech commented
I'm very pleased to announce that you can now experience this feature, which is currently in the testing phase.
Frank commented
+ Software Licenses / License Keys
CT commented
For me the biggest of these is bank accounts.
Dion Pezzimenti commented
I'm also finding myself storing things like Windows application password, certificate information (mainly private key passcodes), Windows/Linux/Active Directory/Entra accounts. Even other specialized things. It would be nice to be able to specify these under your logins but under a different type of template or something. I'm basing this mainly on my corporate experience as we use Delinea there. It has a wealth of presets in it for different types of logins.
Gino Eelen commented
I am currently on enpass and have gotten so used to creating custom fields and adding attachments that I find it hard to believe it is not already a feature of every password manager. I am interested in the other Proton services, and am evaluating proton pass to share with family members. Would really like to see this feature.
Dave commented
I look forward to see the new features as indicated on the roadmap:
Stanley Klinge commented
Software Licences (Keys, License files, Token…) absolutely necessary! The Rest of that idea I agree a 100 percent.
I come from 1password and port it to proton, all that Informations get lost or complicated. -
David Jacobsson commented
Custom Item types is what we need. Freely create custom types with custom fields and the ability to group them
Kat commented
ID cards (Driver's License or alternate type), Health cards, Social Insurance Number (Canada)/Social Security Number (USA)
ryefly commented
I can't believe that all these items aren't available to choose from. 1P is way ahead in this respect.
The software license and the option to add a password are also missing.
If you click on add item, it says password, but opens the password generator. What's actually missing there is the wrong place and the label is wrong. -
Mat commented
This looks like the European Digital Identity or the Yivi app in the Netherlands, look at
It must be rock solid and zero knowledge proof.
But don’t make it to complicated, real people have to understand it and use it. -
MartinIIoT commented
Please add simple yes/no toggle to all types of value item type.
Andrew commented
I'd like to see a Web ID (and maybe name too) so that html TEXT tags could be prefilled with the data you specify. Eg for some sites I visit, they require a client id and a user id as well as the password. ProtonPass currently only fills in the "Client ID" and password and leaves out the "User ID" field. I thought that the "+ Add more" option in edit that allows you to add a named field and text would be used to prefill the ID attribute in the TEXT tag, but unfortunately it doesn't.
By extending this option to have an ID and NAME attribute (and probably a "don't fill" option too) then when I clikc on the entry for the site, it could prefill all 3 fields instead of just 2. Im happy to look through the HTML to locate the text fields needed. -
Julian commented
Seems to be in the Roadmap for Winter/Spring
>Create custom item types for any of your valuable data
> With this new feature, you’ll be able to customize items so they store your valuable data in a way that works for you and is suitable for the type of data that you wish to store. For example, you’ll be able to create items for software licenses, reward programs, Social Security Numbers, or whatever else will be useful to you.
Johnny commented
This is a must and in all honesty should already be implemented.
I was looking for my WiFi password over the weekend and had to resort back to my old password manager as items like these were not imported over to ProtonPass.
Dns commented
Add crypto wallet address to that list
Thiago B. commented
Totally agreed with the fields and types suggestion. I'm starting to test Proton Pass after an upgrade to Proton Ultimate plan. Besides allowing attachments (voted in another topic), this is something that I miss.
sir.llirik99 commented
Yes, this would be a great feature, which could help to transfer narly all actual keys and logins to one point.
marky mark commented
yeah id like to be able to even build my own entry with other custom entry types while also being able to say remove the usename field if its not needed, ie an entry for a software license. i guess we dont need specific item types, just the building blocks for us to tailor each item to whatever it needs.
i do like the way 1password does its catch-all categories with CryptoWallets, Memberships, Software licenses. The other categories are fine and handle anything else in between thats not fine in a secure note for example. -
Igor Charlie commented
In the case of my country CPF too