It would be great to have some separation between aliases instead of a unified inbox given that I would use aliases for different purposes such as keeping personal and professional contacts separated or an alias dedicated to accounts likely to send me spam. Otherwise, I'm back to square one and creating additional accounts for this purpose instead of managing them under a singular account that I'm paying for. The folder/filter trick mentioned in other comments feels like a kludgy way of attaining the kind of separation that separate inboxes affords. I feel a good template is the way K-9 mail gives you a "unified inbox" but you can still drill down into each address separately.
It would be great to have some separation between aliases instead of a unified inbox given that I would use aliases for different purposes such as keeping personal and professional contacts separated or an alias dedicated to accounts likely to send me spam. Otherwise, I'm back to square one and creating additional accounts for this purpose instead of managing them under a singular account that I'm paying for. The folder/filter trick mentioned in other comments feels like a kludgy way of attaining the kind of separation that separate inboxes affords. I feel a good template is the way K-9 mail gives you a "unified inbox" but you can still drill down into each address separately.