Mit Speck fäng man Mäuse
My feedback
2 results found
4,491 votes
ProtonMail offers encrypted contacts for both web and mobile applications ( Calendar and note functionality will be released in the future.
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8,452 votes
Introducing Docs in Proton Drive – collaborative document editing that’s actually private:
With Docs you can:
- Write with privacy — Create and edit documents within Proton Drive, knowing your contents are only accessible to you and those you choose to share with.
- Share and invite anyone — Invite other users to view or edit your documents with a single click.
- Collaborate in real-time — Changes are reflected immediately, ensuring every contributor always sees the most up-to-date version.
- View cursors and presence indicators — See who else is viewing or editing the document, enhancing teamwork and communication.
- Leave comments and replies — Add comments to share feedback without editing the document. Comments are visible to all collaborators, keeping everyone in the loop.
- Import and export with ease — You can upload .docx documents, edit them, and download in various formats like .docx, .txt, .md, and HTML.
An error occurred while saving the comment Mit Speck fäng man Mäuse commented
I just gave 3 votes to be on 9999 votes and I would be happy to have the Proton-Drive added to my Protonmail and VPN. Email, Calendar, Contacts, VPN and Storage would be the perfect solution for a lot of us. Thanks for ramping it up and taking my money :-)
Mit Speck fäng man Mäuse supported this idea ·
If calendar ist coming I'll move away from Google Suite with my domain. Proton Drive on top would be perfect :-)