Choose or create alias when composing or replying to an email

Hi everyone, this one is under consideration, pending anti-spam measures we might need to take.
Babble commented
It would be great to be able to automatically bcc an address when sending from an address.
For example, in our family, we have (ProtonPass/SimpleLogin) aliases that go to me and my spouse.
[eg] --> me@proton and spouse@proton
When I send FROM one of those addresses, I always try to bcc my spouse so she sees the whole conversations, but, of course, sometimes I forget. This request is to be able to set up automatic bcc'ing when sending from It would be extra awesome to automatically bcc all the other recipients of the ProtonPass alias.
Christian commented
This is my single biggest gripe with this whole system. I have carefully managed to hide my proton mail until now, but I had to initiate contact with a company for support last week, I slipped up this once, and we're back to square one, more or less.
Please add this feature and add an option to require me to explicitly select a "From" address when composing so I can't make this mistake again. -
Pete commented
I need to close an on-line account which can only be done via email (don`t know why). However I cannot send a message from the alias I use for that account so... I`m stuck.
Without this functionality it makes aliases much less useful. I`d like to request we move this up the To Do list.
Thanks for a great service. I appreciate the work you guys put in to preserve privacy for those that need it (i.e. everybody)
T commented
Also keen for this, just been googling how to send an email but hide myself behind the alias I created for that company. seems like really useful functionality.
voyager2bird commented
This would be really great if you can make it happen.
Slight hijack, but can you add the <alias> name into the compose window (like next to the proton email) so that we know we are using an alias and its obvious. I have a near heart attack every time I'm about to press send.
BackSeatDriver commented
This would be really great for those places on the internet where you definitely need a hide-my-email-alias like internet forums, groups like or google groups, mailing lists, social media,youtube, etc. I do not want to use a real email address nor an additional address for these things.
Richard commented
This is so important it should have been an option from the beginning of simplelogin. How can it possibly be right to invent an alias for log-in, but not let it be used to send an email to the company in question. Not having this defeats simplelogin's whole raison-d'etre. Do it yesterday
Dj commented
I'm disappointed that I can't reply using the alias, the email is sent to, per default (like, it does, for example). In this state, the feature is unusable, but you actually promote it, and when people use it, they can leak their email address by replying.. wtf!
Bryan commented
So yeah, it would seem intuitive that one can select a SimpleLogin alias to send from when drafting a new email- without having to sign into SimpleLogin to do anything.
Daniel commented
hi! any updates? Just came here to check since it's laborious every time I want to email a company using the address they have on file for me, I have to separately login to SimpleLogin, and generate the email address from there first.
G commented
At least replying to mails using the alias which have come from an alias is required ..... We can right now, but it needs to be one click reply from alias solution
Glen commented
Danny commented
Integrating SL in general to accomplish this would not be a bad option.
Brian commented
So in new email messages, on the sender email address line, please add a selection/option from the drop-down arrow labeled something like "Use an existing alias." When clicked, this allows you to select any of your existing aliases as the sending email address seen by the recipient.
Tobias commented
This is the most needed feature for me. Without that a paid subscription doesn't make sense for me.
Anonymous commented
Please allow emailing from any - possibly confirmed - email address in the from field, without revealing the address. Allowing people to set the from field freely would be helpful for using email addresses from email forwarding services, such as or
K Rasmussen commented
I cannot see the purpose with +alias when it is not posible to send from +alias or add a reply to +alias. All people I know will use the reply button in there mail ciient and not click on the +alias written in an email.
Using +alias can also help feight spam as it easy allow changing your public email without change mail account.
The feature of adding reply to is already listed in user voice: -
Joel commented
I would love to see this feature as well. I receive many pass-through emails on my own domain. It looks unprofessional and weird to have an unrelated email address appear in the From field when replying to emails. In some cases, websites require an email to come from a particular email, which kind of messes up my entire email system.
Dach commented
If the email composition tool would allow modification of the "from" to include adding an alias, i.e., that would be great.
Sometimes contacting a company for the first time demands the creation of an email address with the new email alias since we know they will add the address to their databases. Our controlling the alias also keeps customer service emails tracked properly; tickets are lost when the "+AliasExample" is dropped from addresses.
SM commented
Guys, please put some priority on this item. Having aliases is a great feature, but limiting the use of them to the way we have right now, makes it almost impossible to be used in a regular basis, or from a mobile device, which is the device mostly used when communicating with others.
Really appreciate a quick action here.