shorten protonmail to pmail
Just like when Google started with the Gmail service, back then it was @googlemail, which is not so good compared with the short @gmail name.
What if ProtonMail stars something like ""?

You can now have a shorten ProtonMail address
This feature is free for all users to receive to their short address and paid if you wish to send emails from it.
More info here:
corentin commented
I think that pmail looks a bit to much like gmail (possible errors). That + the funny connotation for english speakers.
Not sure about is definitively better. But is used by a car maker. (possible mistake again ?)
corentin commented
Another request for additional alternate domain name. Not saying that the proposed .com / .co are either available or good idea, but i agree with the idea of something else than
(@Orion Sure buying a custom domain name is cheap, but you have to come up with some name.)
Anonymous commented
I agree, might also persuade more people to move to ProtonMail from Gmail.
Some users mention in English that the "p" has social connotations, but this is a ridiculous argument from anyone over 5 years old.
Yet, if the "p" bothers those weak of heart, maybe @ptmail, @promail, @protmail would also be short and acceptable. -
Adeline commented
It would be great to have a shorter domain than like for google mail at the beginning who become gmail it would be nice to have a really shorter to spell out loud to someone.
;) -
Orion commented
Agreed this should be set to completed.
Besides, there is always the option to buy your own domain for people who don't like "".
A domain name costs less than 15€ / year and it's quite easy to set up. -
VSx86 commented is available now.
Set this idea status to "completed". -
Victorienne commented doesn't sound serious when using this mail address for work, wouldn't it be better with or just ?
ms commented
Move to Status: Completed?
User commented
The new looks like a joke. Thats not possible to use this for serios email.
Much better are:
# or liitle bit longer
# or little bit longer -
Johan commented
None commented
Yes! Love or proton.mail!
Anonymous commented
I would like to have news about it to. Proton is not a usual word in portuguese and the or sound great!
biz commented
I am also looking for news about this. The alias will be a great addition to Protonmail! Bookings and confirmations over the phone will be easier... :)
Anonymous commented
Any news about that alias? :)
MyName commented
Even if I agree that "Protonmail" has a strong sound to it, the idea is not bad.
" ", " " should be available as a choice in the preferences for every user. -
Anonymous commented
How about or it sounds cool.
tom commented
awesome i love this idea!! i love protonmail just wish we had shorter end idea was buy and let us have that as a option..
or just 1 of 2 or 3 options with shorter back names -
Anonymous commented
promail sounds good
L commented
Amazing! I really, really like It's short, easy and catchy!
DF commented (as a second choice, please