*Unlimited* Disposable Email Aliases
(to vote for unlimited alias, visit https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/284483/suggestions/45394132)
Startmail explains it perfectly. They offer unlimited disposable aliases, which expire within a given amount of time. They also offer custom aliases which can be saved and used indefinitely.
It is the disposable alias which will help protect privacy, when submiting an email to an untrusted recipient. After all, how much privacy do we have if our fixed emails become the foundation for building and selling our marketing profiles, just as is done by gmail. We limit personal activity virtual trails by disposing of aliases for casual uses. But, unlike custom aliases, which build on our identifiable original email address, disposable aliases divert from our true email identity by utilizing a sub-domain created for this specific purpose, such as: xxx@tda.protonmail.com (tda = temporary disposable alias)
You avoid abuse by limiting disposable alias creation on a daily basis. Perhaps 5 max per day.
Here is Startmail's explanation:
The Blur service (by Abine) also offers a "masked mail" free service. But their service is not encrypted:

Jeb Kerman commented
Gmail has this feature where example.x@gmail goes to example@gmail regardless of what x is. I think this falls under this feature and would be awesome
Olivier commented
Tobias, the problem with this is that it gives away your identity as the people you give it to can figure out what your base e-mail address is. Aliases should enable you to send e-mail from any of your aliases as if they were independent e-mail addresses, without any way for the recipient to tell that this is an alias.
I think it is much more important than using up existing usernames.
Doctor Coffee commented
Yes please, that would be nice.
AdminProton (Admin, Proton) commented
Alias (Disposable Email Addresses)